I Peter 3:7 Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.
Commentary: Kingdom husbands are to demonstrate toward their wives the same unselfish spirit as Kingdom citizens (read I Peter 2:13-17) Kingdom subordinates (I Peter 2:18-25) and Kingdom wives (read I Peter 3:1-6)
With understanding: A kingdom husband should be intimately aware of his wife's needs, her strengths and weaknesses, and her goals and desires. He should know as much about her as possible in order to respond in the best way to her.
Giving honor: A Kingdom husband gives honor to his wife because she deserves honor (Read I Peter 3:1-6)
Weaker vessel: The weakness viewed here is primarily physical weakness, since the term vessel means the human body.
Being heirs together: The relationship described here is one between a Kingdom husband and his Kingdom wife, since all citizens and only citizens are heirs of the grace of life (Read Romans 8:17)
That your prayers may not be hindered: A Kingdom husband's spiritual leadership with God is directly affected by the way he treats his wife.
If you have noticed in my commentary, I never once mentioned the word "Christian", because that is the term that the secular society gave the Kingdom citizens back in the time of the early apostles. They were first called "Christians" (Read Acts 11:26), and they adapted it. Keep in mind that Jesus never referred to His disciples or any others as "Christians".
Commentary: Kingdom husbands are to demonstrate toward their wives the same unselfish spirit as Kingdom citizens (read I Peter 2:13-17) Kingdom subordinates (I Peter 2:18-25) and Kingdom wives (read I Peter 3:1-6)
With understanding: A kingdom husband should be intimately aware of his wife's needs, her strengths and weaknesses, and her goals and desires. He should know as much about her as possible in order to respond in the best way to her.
Giving honor: A Kingdom husband gives honor to his wife because she deserves honor (Read I Peter 3:1-6)
Weaker vessel: The weakness viewed here is primarily physical weakness, since the term vessel means the human body.
Being heirs together: The relationship described here is one between a Kingdom husband and his Kingdom wife, since all citizens and only citizens are heirs of the grace of life (Read Romans 8:17)
That your prayers may not be hindered: A Kingdom husband's spiritual leadership with God is directly affected by the way he treats his wife.
If you have noticed in my commentary, I never once mentioned the word "Christian", because that is the term that the secular society gave the Kingdom citizens back in the time of the early apostles. They were first called "Christians" (Read Acts 11:26), and they adapted it. Keep in mind that Jesus never referred to His disciples or any others as "Christians".