Twelve Principles
1. God's purpose was for us to rule over the created order as vice-regents under His authority.
2. Because God designed us to lead, the seeds of leadership lie within us, dormant until activated.
3. As God's vice-regents in this world, we are the Kingdom of God on Earth.
4. The Kingdom of God on Earth is God's rulership within the hearts and spirits of believers, and the Kingdom of Heaven is when that rulership impacts the human earthly environment.
5. The Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of light, the light of the knowledge of the Lord.
6. The antidote to ignorance is knowledge. Knowledge comes through truth and truth brings liberation.
7. Without spiritual enlightenment into the devine truth of Christ, all other knowledge ultimately means nothing.
8. Jesus came to restore our position in God's government to make us righteous.
9. When we are in right relationship with God, He can extend His kingdom--His rulership--into our lives and rule the Earth through us.
10. Through Christ, our sins are forgiven and we receive a full pardon from God.
11. Jesus could not come until a Kingdom model existed as a visual illustration to help people understand His teachings on the Kingdom.
12. Christ's kingdom of truth is made up of citizens who are not only truth seekers but also truth followers.
excerpts from "Rediscovering the Kingdom" by Dr. Myles Munroe
2. Because God designed us to lead, the seeds of leadership lie within us, dormant until activated.
3. As God's vice-regents in this world, we are the Kingdom of God on Earth.
4. The Kingdom of God on Earth is God's rulership within the hearts and spirits of believers, and the Kingdom of Heaven is when that rulership impacts the human earthly environment.
5. The Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of light, the light of the knowledge of the Lord.
6. The antidote to ignorance is knowledge. Knowledge comes through truth and truth brings liberation.
7. Without spiritual enlightenment into the devine truth of Christ, all other knowledge ultimately means nothing.
8. Jesus came to restore our position in God's government to make us righteous.
9. When we are in right relationship with God, He can extend His kingdom--His rulership--into our lives and rule the Earth through us.
10. Through Christ, our sins are forgiven and we receive a full pardon from God.
11. Jesus could not come until a Kingdom model existed as a visual illustration to help people understand His teachings on the Kingdom.
12. Christ's kingdom of truth is made up of citizens who are not only truth seekers but also truth followers.
excerpts from "Rediscovering the Kingdom" by Dr. Myles Munroe