Many religious people think by going to church services, that are supposed to be designed for serving and praising God and to equip the saints for ministry, that they are doing the will of the King. Many think by doing good works--while still harboring color issues and prejudice in their hearts (meaning their bodies and minds)-- that they are in good standing with the King. I must say, that the devil and his evil forces have done a good job of deceiving many citizens of the Kingdom. This is because they fail to be on guard and to stay in the Word of God.
Constitutional Scripture: II Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
It is sad to say, that the majority of people on this planet that we call earth have a religious mindset and a slave mentality. Let me stay on course here, concerning the stealth color issue and prejudice prevails in the church building on Sunday mornings throughout this country.
It is sad to see so many African Americans attend churches where the demographics of the congregation doesn't fit the leadership; while the congregation is multi-cultural, the leadership is not. On top of that, they aren't being taught the message that Jesus the Christ commanded us to teach His citizens--"the Kingdom of God". What I have noticed in some of these large churches is that people of color are only in low-level positions, even though there may be many with the qualifications to lead and are very capable of leadership. This is an evil that is embraced, especially in the southern Caucasian churches in the south. It goes back to the slave/master mentality. So to counteract this behavior, many African Americans choose to attend "all black churches", not taking into consideration that they aren't teaching what Christ specified: "The Kingdom of Heaven". I will go as far as to say this, most churches don't preach or teach on the Kingdom, because they don't have a clue what a kingdom is. Some may speak concerning the kingdom principles, but only in the mindset of a religious format. I have seen this for years and I have traveled through these United States; but it is only now that God has allowed me to write and speak on this demonic evil that permeates the church (meaning the people not the pavilion) for God lives in people, not buildings made with men's hands.
Focus Point: What I have also seen is many African Americans are embracing the African culture as their own. How can you embrace a culture that is in conflict with the Kingdom? This too is a distraction from keeping God's people from acknowledging the truth. Keep in mind that we are in a spiritual warfare. Don't be deceived.
Constitutional Scripture: II Corinthians 10:3-4 For though we live in the world, we do not war as the world does. 4) For the weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds,
Please note: I realize that this may offend but will educate. I want you to be aware that when you obey the Word of the King, you don't sweat the small stuff. You fear no man, because God's Kingdom lives in you.
Focus Point: If you have noticed, I never used the word "Racism" because there is only one "Race"--Human. When God, our Source and Creator, separated the people at the Tower of Babel, He did it through language, not the color of one's skin.
Constitutional Scripture: Read Genesis 11:1-9