It is very important that we discover our gift. The Lord God allowed us to be here to be productive with our gift, not just to grow old and die. There are so many leaders who think that people are to serve them in one way or another, especially religious leaders. When Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead, as well as feed the poor, that was the standard and culture of the kingdom. Do you recall what Jesus stated? And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
Keep in mind, the measure of greatness is not position, power or prestige; it is service. Notice the progression in verse 28: Jesus became a servant, and then He gave Himself in everything He did. By His example He is telling us, Find your gift and serve it to the world. That is how you will infect other individuals with the Kingdom." If you set your heart on the Kingdom of God and your sights on serving others in the King's name, He will open doors of opportunity for you that would never open otherwise. he will take you to places you would never be able to go on your own and enable you to impact lives you would never even come close to touching any other way. He will take you to personal heights of joy, prosperity and contentment beyond your wildest dreams and give you a broader influence in your world than you have ever imagined. Those things come not by seeking them, but by seeking Him. Not by seeking the gifts, but by seeking the Kingdom first.
Remember what the King stated: whoever wants to become great in the Kingdom must become a servant. "Whoever" means that greatness in the kingdom is available to anyone; anyone willing to pay the price, that is. The question is, What is the price? It is setting your own will and ambitions aside and offering yourself willingly as a servant of the King of Kings. It is giving up your rights to yourself in complete surrender to the will and purpose of God, to go where the king instructs you to go. In other words, to obey His Word to the fullest.
Matthew 20:27-28 Matthew 6:33
~~W.R. Luchie
Keep in mind, the measure of greatness is not position, power or prestige; it is service. Notice the progression in verse 28: Jesus became a servant, and then He gave Himself in everything He did. By His example He is telling us, Find your gift and serve it to the world. That is how you will infect other individuals with the Kingdom." If you set your heart on the Kingdom of God and your sights on serving others in the King's name, He will open doors of opportunity for you that would never open otherwise. he will take you to places you would never be able to go on your own and enable you to impact lives you would never even come close to touching any other way. He will take you to personal heights of joy, prosperity and contentment beyond your wildest dreams and give you a broader influence in your world than you have ever imagined. Those things come not by seeking them, but by seeking Him. Not by seeking the gifts, but by seeking the Kingdom first.
Remember what the King stated: whoever wants to become great in the Kingdom must become a servant. "Whoever" means that greatness in the kingdom is available to anyone; anyone willing to pay the price, that is. The question is, What is the price? It is setting your own will and ambitions aside and offering yourself willingly as a servant of the King of Kings. It is giving up your rights to yourself in complete surrender to the will and purpose of God, to go where the king instructs you to go. In other words, to obey His Word to the fullest.
Matthew 20:27-28 Matthew 6:33
~~W.R. Luchie