Growing up as a young man who had accepted Christ, there was one of several things that bothered me. That was an individual who was supposed to know Christ and experienced His love, getting divorce. Back then, I called myself a Christian. I wasn't aware of the Kingdom concept. I am speaking of the 70's. I said to myself, if followers of Christ were failing in their marriages, how could I survive! Well, you guessed it. I failed in my marriage as well. It was a domino effect.
For years I stayed away from the church as we know it. I saw many who kept doing what they wanted to do, go to church on Sunday and even preach as if nothing was happening. I just couldn't do it. I had a serious conscience problem. But the scripture, Matthew 6:33 would always come to my mind. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Here were people who were supposedly filled with the Holy Spirit, who supposedly knew the Lord God, and yet they couldn't seem to live together and get along. If that was true, we might as well forget it and hang it up It took me some time to learn that success in marriage depends on more than just being saved. It takes more than just being what we call "in love". Much of what we call being in "love" is being in "lust". Being a Believer and being in love are both important in a marriage, but they carry no automatic guarantee of marital success. We need knowledge of Kingdom principles, the design parameters that God Himself established. Biblical principles never change. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. Whatever He stated is a done deal. The principles for a successful marriage and family that God gave Adam and Eve still works today. They are universally applicable in every age and in every culture. The trouble comes when we violate or ignore these principles.
God designed marriage for success, and only His counsel can make it successful. No one is better at making something work than the One who designed it.
Matthew 6:33 Mark 13:31
~~W.R. Luchie
For years I stayed away from the church as we know it. I saw many who kept doing what they wanted to do, go to church on Sunday and even preach as if nothing was happening. I just couldn't do it. I had a serious conscience problem. But the scripture, Matthew 6:33 would always come to my mind. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Here were people who were supposedly filled with the Holy Spirit, who supposedly knew the Lord God, and yet they couldn't seem to live together and get along. If that was true, we might as well forget it and hang it up It took me some time to learn that success in marriage depends on more than just being saved. It takes more than just being what we call "in love". Much of what we call being in "love" is being in "lust". Being a Believer and being in love are both important in a marriage, but they carry no automatic guarantee of marital success. We need knowledge of Kingdom principles, the design parameters that God Himself established. Biblical principles never change. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. Whatever He stated is a done deal. The principles for a successful marriage and family that God gave Adam and Eve still works today. They are universally applicable in every age and in every culture. The trouble comes when we violate or ignore these principles.
God designed marriage for success, and only His counsel can make it successful. No one is better at making something work than the One who designed it.
Matthew 6:33 Mark 13:31
~~W.R. Luchie