There was a commercial some years ago that went like this: "First things first, quench your thirst". It was advertising a soda commercial. When you are thirsty, don't reach for a soda, reach for the thing that will give you the lasting effect and is most satisfying, water. That is how you can distinguish priorities. Many of us say that we love Jesus but fail to follow His mandate. If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith? “And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. Without clear priorities, you run the danger of wasting precious time listening to the wrong voices or allowing ourselves to be drawn in the wrong direction.
Recently, I have been invited to speak in several countries. I shared this information with my wife Arlene, and she quickly reminded me of my purpose and assignment.
Knowing your priorities will assist you in evaluating the voices pulling at you and identifying those that are most important. In my case, it is my wife Arlene who helps me stay focused. The best way to minimize confusion is to get into the habit of deciding beforehand how you will spend your precious time each day. You can't give your time or attention to every competing voice, so let your priorities assist you to zero in on those that are the most important. Then let the others go. Coming full circle, you will see that the key to success is the effective use of time and the key to effective use of time is correct priorities. Now, the only way to spend your time (currency) effectively is to identify the correct priorities for your life. If you do not know what you are supposed to do, where you are supposed to go, or how you are going to get there; then you are in constant danger of abusing your currency (time) and allowing others to do the same. I am learning that nothing is more rewarding than waking up in the morning knowing exactly what to do and knowing that what I am doing is right and correct. If you noticed, I didn't say "good". Good isn't always right. Many times we end up abusing our currency (time) because we are distracted by good things that take the place of right things, thereby causing us to be busy, but not effective. Trust me when I say this: The Lord God is not impressed with you being busy. The only way for you to live effectively is to use your time on the correct priorities for your life. It is very important to learn the difference. Time wasted on incorrect priorities is currency that is gone forever. It can never be regained.
I will continue in my next article.
Luke 12:28-31
~~W.R. Luchie
Recently, I have been invited to speak in several countries. I shared this information with my wife Arlene, and she quickly reminded me of my purpose and assignment.
Knowing your priorities will assist you in evaluating the voices pulling at you and identifying those that are most important. In my case, it is my wife Arlene who helps me stay focused. The best way to minimize confusion is to get into the habit of deciding beforehand how you will spend your precious time each day. You can't give your time or attention to every competing voice, so let your priorities assist you to zero in on those that are the most important. Then let the others go. Coming full circle, you will see that the key to success is the effective use of time and the key to effective use of time is correct priorities. Now, the only way to spend your time (currency) effectively is to identify the correct priorities for your life. If you do not know what you are supposed to do, where you are supposed to go, or how you are going to get there; then you are in constant danger of abusing your currency (time) and allowing others to do the same. I am learning that nothing is more rewarding than waking up in the morning knowing exactly what to do and knowing that what I am doing is right and correct. If you noticed, I didn't say "good". Good isn't always right. Many times we end up abusing our currency (time) because we are distracted by good things that take the place of right things, thereby causing us to be busy, but not effective. Trust me when I say this: The Lord God is not impressed with you being busy. The only way for you to live effectively is to use your time on the correct priorities for your life. It is very important to learn the difference. Time wasted on incorrect priorities is currency that is gone forever. It can never be regained.
I will continue in my next article.
Luke 12:28-31
~~W.R. Luchie