What Is Culture?

First of all, culture is the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties by education, expert care and training. In other words, culture is the developing of a people's intellectual capacities and moral awareness through a combination of formal instruction and formal modeling. Parents and society teach children the elements of the culture and as the children learn and internalize those cultural elements, they begin to live them.
Secondly, culture is the enlightenment and excellence of taste acquired by intellectual and aesthetic training. To put it another way, we all come to think like the environment we grow up in. Our intellectual interaction with our environment literally produces a way of thinking in us that becomes our way of life; and so we become trained in our culture. Keep in mind, none of us are born with culture. We are born into a culture, but we are not born with a culture. In other words, everything we are is a learned trait.
Culture may also be defined as the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon man's capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. Now, from a sociological perspective, culture is the customary beliefs, social forms and material traits of a racial, religious or social group. In the business world, culture defines the set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that characterize a company or corporation.
Now, for a scientific definition, culture means to grow in a prepared medium. Here is what I mean by this: Each of us arrived here on earth in a prepared environment, the country and culture of our birth. We began to grow within the confines of our environment, shaped and influenced by customs, values, moral code and social norms of our parents, community and society. We learned the language we now speak and the laws. We also learned the prejudices and hatreds--our jealousy, our greed and pride.
Now we have discovered the Kingdom of heaven. Now we are born again and have become citizens of the Kingdom. After 20 to maybe 50 years in a certain medium or environment that trained us to think a certain way, we suddenly find ourselves in a whole new culture; a new medium of growth. Here lies the problem. How do we get rid of the old culture in our hearts and minds to live in the new one? Well, I must say, it is a process must be dealt with by reading and studying the constitution through the leading of the Holy Spirit, which is the Governor.
The battle of the earth is the battle of culture. And culture is the manifestation of the collective thinking of a people. Let me put it this way: whatever people think as a whole collectively--their beliefs, values, ideals, etc--becomes their culture. So whatever controls the minds of the people controls the culture. Remember, whoever controls the minds will create the culture.
Secondly, culture is the enlightenment and excellence of taste acquired by intellectual and aesthetic training. To put it another way, we all come to think like the environment we grow up in. Our intellectual interaction with our environment literally produces a way of thinking in us that becomes our way of life; and so we become trained in our culture. Keep in mind, none of us are born with culture. We are born into a culture, but we are not born with a culture. In other words, everything we are is a learned trait.
Culture may also be defined as the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon man's capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. Now, from a sociological perspective, culture is the customary beliefs, social forms and material traits of a racial, religious or social group. In the business world, culture defines the set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that characterize a company or corporation.
Now, for a scientific definition, culture means to grow in a prepared medium. Here is what I mean by this: Each of us arrived here on earth in a prepared environment, the country and culture of our birth. We began to grow within the confines of our environment, shaped and influenced by customs, values, moral code and social norms of our parents, community and society. We learned the language we now speak and the laws. We also learned the prejudices and hatreds--our jealousy, our greed and pride.
Now we have discovered the Kingdom of heaven. Now we are born again and have become citizens of the Kingdom. After 20 to maybe 50 years in a certain medium or environment that trained us to think a certain way, we suddenly find ourselves in a whole new culture; a new medium of growth. Here lies the problem. How do we get rid of the old culture in our hearts and minds to live in the new one? Well, I must say, it is a process must be dealt with by reading and studying the constitution through the leading of the Holy Spirit, which is the Governor.
The battle of the earth is the battle of culture. And culture is the manifestation of the collective thinking of a people. Let me put it this way: whatever people think as a whole collectively--their beliefs, values, ideals, etc--becomes their culture. So whatever controls the minds of the people controls the culture. Remember, whoever controls the minds will create the culture.