What Gospel Are You Preaching?

Every leader, preacher and teacher should ask themselves that question. They aren't preaching and teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom when they preach and teach on healing, faith, deliverance and prosperity. If the Kingdom of Heaven is so full of promise, power and provision--if it is truly "good news"--why aren't people around the world rushing to get it? Keep this in mind that faith, healing, financial stability and deliverance from disease are all byproducts of the Kingdom. Everyone wants to know that they have the power in life in order to overcome the tragedies of life as well as discovering the ability to rise up and meet the challenges confronting us every day. Remember, we all long to know that our lives have meaning, purpose and hope.
If you were to ask 95% of the people that you know, you will find that everybody wants to discover their destiny and the power to make their dreams come true. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God promises all of this and more, yet the vast majority of the world's people have not discovered it, much less embraced it. Your question should be "why not?"
Here are the answers...
1. They have not heard the message of the Kingdom.
2. Their minds have been blinded so they cannot see the Kingdom.
3. They have heard the wrong message of the Kingdom.
There are many reasons. Well, for one thing, many individuals simply have not yet heard the Kingdom Gospel because very few have preached it to them. Dr Myles Munroe was in the forefront in Kingdom teaching, but now we all must step up. God did not call one man to preach the Gospel. We are all responsible for spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Another reason is that Satan has blinded the spiritual eyes and deafened the spiritual ears of countless millions so that they cannot hear or understand the Kingdom Gospel even when it is preached. The third reason that is perhaps the most serious of all: the church is preaching the wrong message.
In the Constitution of the Gospel of Matthew, refers to the "good news of the Kingdom" and the "gospel of the Kingdom". In the Constitution, Mark speaks of the "gospel of God", while in the book of Luke, he uses the phrase, the "good news of the Kingdom of God".
Questions: To what specifically are they referring?
Note as you read and study all the Constitution, that all these biblical phrases, although slightly different, have the same meaning. The word "gospel" means "good news". The Greek word for gospel is "evangelion", from which we derive the words "evangelism" and "evangelist". Evangelion means "good news" or "good report". Evangelism, then, is the process of communicating good news, and an evangelist is an instrument for communicating that good news. By this definition, any good news is "gospel".
If you were to ask 95% of the people that you know, you will find that everybody wants to discover their destiny and the power to make their dreams come true. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God promises all of this and more, yet the vast majority of the world's people have not discovered it, much less embraced it. Your question should be "why not?"
Here are the answers...
1. They have not heard the message of the Kingdom.
2. Their minds have been blinded so they cannot see the Kingdom.
3. They have heard the wrong message of the Kingdom.
There are many reasons. Well, for one thing, many individuals simply have not yet heard the Kingdom Gospel because very few have preached it to them. Dr Myles Munroe was in the forefront in Kingdom teaching, but now we all must step up. God did not call one man to preach the Gospel. We are all responsible for spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Another reason is that Satan has blinded the spiritual eyes and deafened the spiritual ears of countless millions so that they cannot hear or understand the Kingdom Gospel even when it is preached. The third reason that is perhaps the most serious of all: the church is preaching the wrong message.
In the Constitution of the Gospel of Matthew, refers to the "good news of the Kingdom" and the "gospel of the Kingdom". In the Constitution, Mark speaks of the "gospel of God", while in the book of Luke, he uses the phrase, the "good news of the Kingdom of God".
Questions: To what specifically are they referring?
Note as you read and study all the Constitution, that all these biblical phrases, although slightly different, have the same meaning. The word "gospel" means "good news". The Greek word for gospel is "evangelion", from which we derive the words "evangelism" and "evangelist". Evangelion means "good news" or "good report". Evangelism, then, is the process of communicating good news, and an evangelist is an instrument for communicating that good news. By this definition, any good news is "gospel".
Studying God's Constitution should always be your number one priority.
W.R. Luchie
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This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you