True Understanding of Your Function

In so many ways, man has become an expert at understanding how plants and animals function. We cross-breed animals to create strains that are stronger, tastier and more productive. We also graft stalks from one tree to another to develop more compact trees that yield tastier fruit that grow larger and keep longer. The same goes for milk. When I was a child, I remember milk only keeping for a day to two days before the cream began to show at the top of it. Now, it keeps for more than 25 days.
Focus Point: But look at us now, we are deficient in our understanding and application of how God designed man to function. We concentrate on our bodies instead of our spirits. keep in mind, that this situation seriously threatens our ability release our potential.
Focus Point: Keep in mind, when God created the male and female, He spoke to Himself so that men and women could be spiritual beings even as He is Spirit. He designed them to share His knowledge and wisdom and to understand His thoughts and purpose. God also assigned them part of His potential in that He gave them eternal spirits with eternal plans, ideas and projects.
Focus Point: Now death and dirt have become such an expected part of our lives that we don't understand or appreciate the concept of full, abundant, eternal life. This is very sad. We assume that death is natural and we live as though sin is natural, when in truth, God designed us to be holy beings who will live forever. Remember, spirits never die.
Please note: We were designed for eternality
Focus Point: Now let me share with you the results of disobedience.
As you now know, Adam's disobedience destroyed God's plan and brought alienation between God and man. Now, because man was no longer sustained by his Source, man's spirit died and his body lost its ability to continually regenerate and replenish itself. Here is what our Constitution states:
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Focus Point: Remember, man in his fallen state could no longer know and understand the thoughts and purpose of God. He became controlled by his soul instead of his spirit and began to look to his environment for the information he needed. Thus, the man without God is a paralyzed spirit in dirt, walking on two legs.
Here is what our Constitution states:
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Focus Point: They bear in their spirits, souls and bodies the penalty of his disobedience. We were born spiritually dead or paralyzed, and our body will eventually die. Our brain, apart from God, can know no more than those who teach us or those who write the books we read.
Focus Point: But look at us now, we are deficient in our understanding and application of how God designed man to function. We concentrate on our bodies instead of our spirits. keep in mind, that this situation seriously threatens our ability release our potential.
Focus Point: Keep in mind, when God created the male and female, He spoke to Himself so that men and women could be spiritual beings even as He is Spirit. He designed them to share His knowledge and wisdom and to understand His thoughts and purpose. God also assigned them part of His potential in that He gave them eternal spirits with eternal plans, ideas and projects.
Focus Point: Now death and dirt have become such an expected part of our lives that we don't understand or appreciate the concept of full, abundant, eternal life. This is very sad. We assume that death is natural and we live as though sin is natural, when in truth, God designed us to be holy beings who will live forever. Remember, spirits never die.
Please note: We were designed for eternality
Focus Point: Now let me share with you the results of disobedience.
As you now know, Adam's disobedience destroyed God's plan and brought alienation between God and man. Now, because man was no longer sustained by his Source, man's spirit died and his body lost its ability to continually regenerate and replenish itself. Here is what our Constitution states:
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Focus Point: Remember, man in his fallen state could no longer know and understand the thoughts and purpose of God. He became controlled by his soul instead of his spirit and began to look to his environment for the information he needed. Thus, the man without God is a paralyzed spirit in dirt, walking on two legs.
Here is what our Constitution states:
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Focus Point: They bear in their spirits, souls and bodies the penalty of his disobedience. We were born spiritually dead or paralyzed, and our body will eventually die. Our brain, apart from God, can know no more than those who teach us or those who write the books we read.
Man, without God, is a paralyzed spirit in dirt, walking on two legs.