The Male's Purpose Part 1
To Dwell in God's Presence
The first thing God did after creating the man was to put him in Eden. His first purpose for the male, therefore, is that he dwell in His presence. Now the word Eden in Hebrew is written with five strokes, each stroke is a symbol representing a word or a character.
Dr. Munroe put it like this: "When I studied the five strokes, I saw they indicated spot, moment, presence, open door and delightful place."
Here is Dr. Munroe's interpretation of the word Eden. "God took the man and put him in a spot, for a moment, where the presence of God was an open door to heaven."
Now the constitution says the Lord planted, or established, the garden. He established a spot on the earth that His presence literally came down from heaven and touched so that it was a door of open access to heaven. Now the man, Adam, didn't have to do anything "religious" (remember, religion has nothing to do with seeking God). All Adam had to do is to enter the presence of God. Keep this in mind, that Adam walked and spoke with God directly in the cool of the day.
And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. (Genesis 3:8)
The question is: Why did God give the male Eden first?
Because He wanted the male to have access to God first so he could always know the will of God for those who came out of him. In other words, Eden is for leadership access.
Remember, the first thing that God gave Adam was His own presence. Likewise, the first thing that you need in your life, regardless of your employment or position, is the presence of the living God. A man needs God's presence before he needs the presence of a woman.
Remember, Adam was already in Eden when God presented Eve to him, Eve met Adam in Eden where he was dwelling in the presence of God.
Here is a thought for you today!
The first thing you need in your life is the presence of God!
Constitution: Leviticus 26-27; Mark 2
Dr. Munroe put it like this: "When I studied the five strokes, I saw they indicated spot, moment, presence, open door and delightful place."
Here is Dr. Munroe's interpretation of the word Eden. "God took the man and put him in a spot, for a moment, where the presence of God was an open door to heaven."
Now the constitution says the Lord planted, or established, the garden. He established a spot on the earth that His presence literally came down from heaven and touched so that it was a door of open access to heaven. Now the man, Adam, didn't have to do anything "religious" (remember, religion has nothing to do with seeking God). All Adam had to do is to enter the presence of God. Keep this in mind, that Adam walked and spoke with God directly in the cool of the day.
And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. (Genesis 3:8)
The question is: Why did God give the male Eden first?
Because He wanted the male to have access to God first so he could always know the will of God for those who came out of him. In other words, Eden is for leadership access.
Remember, the first thing that God gave Adam was His own presence. Likewise, the first thing that you need in your life, regardless of your employment or position, is the presence of the living God. A man needs God's presence before he needs the presence of a woman.
Remember, Adam was already in Eden when God presented Eve to him, Eve met Adam in Eden where he was dwelling in the presence of God.
Here is a thought for you today!
The first thing you need in your life is the presence of God!
Constitution: Leviticus 26-27; Mark 2