The Kingdom Concept of Kings
Now after reading and studying God's Word and doing other research concerning the kingdoms of the world and comparing to the Kingdom of God, I truly understand why Christ came and I also understand why this world system does not respect a monarch. If you have noticed, it has been a popular notion to celebrate the opposition against monarchies. Many have even suggested to eradicate the concept of monarchies from our so-called modern or post-modern world. However, keep this in mind, many of the democracies in our world today are also plagued with the same defects and shortcomings. Well in essence, the problem is not the king, the kingdoms or even the form of government; but the defects in human nature that function in any of these systems.
Focus Point: I will mention again, that the kingdom concept is the only concept presented, preached, promoted, taught and established by Jesus the Christ. Remember, that His purposed solution to mankind's problems on this planet we call earth is the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on this planet. Keep in mind, that the message of the Constitution (Bible) and the focus of Jesus was not a religion or for that matter, any of the many subjects that we have magnified and that many preachers have preached as "the gospel" or the good news to the world.
Focus Point: For example, Jesus Himself never, as a priority, preached a public message on a subject such as faith, prosperity, giving, deliverance, or even His death on the cross or His resurrection as "the gospel".
Question: Considering the previous statement, then why do 95% of the teachers and preachers do what He didn't do?
Focus Point: Jesus repeatedly promoted and declared "the Kingdom of God and Heaven" as His principle message.
1. Consider the author's statements about our reaction to monarchies and democracies. Have you been biased against monarchies based on your experience with democracy?
2. What defects in human nature brings about problems in any form of government? Do these effects show themselves even in the "government", within businesses, ministries or even the family?
3. Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus never preached about democracy? Why do you think He only preached about the Kingdom concept?
4. How did Jesus the Christ speak of the Kingdom as the "gospel"? When we think about His public messages, on what do His parables center?
5. Jesus used illustrations, stories, parables, sermons and even healings to demonstrate the kingdom. What are some things you can use to demonstrate the Kingdom in your arena of relationships?
Focus Point: Please take some time to scan the Gospels for references to the Kingdom of God. Highlight these and make note of any changes in your way of thinking about a kingdom.
W.R. Luchie
This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you
Focus Point: I will mention again, that the kingdom concept is the only concept presented, preached, promoted, taught and established by Jesus the Christ. Remember, that His purposed solution to mankind's problems on this planet we call earth is the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on this planet. Keep in mind, that the message of the Constitution (Bible) and the focus of Jesus was not a religion or for that matter, any of the many subjects that we have magnified and that many preachers have preached as "the gospel" or the good news to the world.
Focus Point: For example, Jesus Himself never, as a priority, preached a public message on a subject such as faith, prosperity, giving, deliverance, or even His death on the cross or His resurrection as "the gospel".
Question: Considering the previous statement, then why do 95% of the teachers and preachers do what He didn't do?
Focus Point: Jesus repeatedly promoted and declared "the Kingdom of God and Heaven" as His principle message.
1. Consider the author's statements about our reaction to monarchies and democracies. Have you been biased against monarchies based on your experience with democracy?
2. What defects in human nature brings about problems in any form of government? Do these effects show themselves even in the "government", within businesses, ministries or even the family?
3. Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus never preached about democracy? Why do you think He only preached about the Kingdom concept?
4. How did Jesus the Christ speak of the Kingdom as the "gospel"? When we think about His public messages, on what do His parables center?
5. Jesus used illustrations, stories, parables, sermons and even healings to demonstrate the kingdom. What are some things you can use to demonstrate the Kingdom in your arena of relationships?
Focus Point: Please take some time to scan the Gospels for references to the Kingdom of God. Highlight these and make note of any changes in your way of thinking about a kingdom.
W.R. Luchie
This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you