The Government of God and Democracy
Now, democracy is the best form of civil government as we know it because of its basic tenets and because of the checks and balances of the system. It is built on the premise and principle of the "majority rule" and the protection of individuals rights. Despite its advantages and benefits, democracy does not come without crucial defects. One such defect is its fundamental and major principle of "majority rule". The effect is crucial because even though it gives your power to the majority of the people, at the same time, it places morality, values and the standards for law at the mercy of the majority vote; thus legitimizing the majority's values, desires, beliefs, aspirations and preferences.
Personal View: From what I have seen of this country, the minority is ruling, not the majority. Take for example: the individuals who embrace homosexuality. The laws are being changed to accommodate their sexual preference. Believe me when I say, there are more heterosexual men and women than homosexuals.
Now, if the power of democracy is in the people, then "we the people" become sovereign over our lives and corporate destiny and become our own providential ruler and god. This is the re-emergence and manifestation of the age-old philosophy of humanism. Now you know what I say to this philosophy: "We should get a clue"!
Focus Point: Now, in essence, the problem with democracy--rule of the people--is that the vote of many can be the wrong vote. I find that most people are selfish as well as being fickle and don't know what they want. There's another weakness of democracy, and that is that there are no absolutes. If you really take a minute to think about it, democracy is really based on the integrity and honesty of the one in charge. This comes down to character. And it can be easily influenced by the changing culture.
1. What are the benefits of democracy that you particularly enjoy? What are some of the benefits that are not easily seen, but you still enjoy?
2. What are the problems with democracy that you find particularly disturbing? What are some of the hidden problems that many people do not understand?
3. In a democracy, what do you think God's requirement is to participate within the governing structure and its authority? What limits do you have?
4. How well do you participate within the structure of government over you? Are you active or inactive? Are you informed or uninformed? What do you think God's desires are in terms of your involvement?
5. Have you taken the time to assist in combating against the problems that exist within a democratic government? have you fought against humanism in any way? Have you worked to keep a moral basis for our government?
Focus Point: Democracy cannot succeed without God any more than communism can succeed without God. God is not just our politics, nor can He be, but He has created His own political system and governmental structure which is for superior to all forms of earthly government. From the creator's perspective, life is politics and He is the essence of life.
Constitutional Scripture: Exodus 19:5-6 Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. 6) And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.”
Questions: If, from God's perspective, life is politics, then how involved should we be involved with politics on this planet called earth? What is God asking us to do to be part of His Kingdom's political system? Once again, we need to get a clue!
Personal View: From what I have seen of this country, the minority is ruling, not the majority. Take for example: the individuals who embrace homosexuality. The laws are being changed to accommodate their sexual preference. Believe me when I say, there are more heterosexual men and women than homosexuals.
Now, if the power of democracy is in the people, then "we the people" become sovereign over our lives and corporate destiny and become our own providential ruler and god. This is the re-emergence and manifestation of the age-old philosophy of humanism. Now you know what I say to this philosophy: "We should get a clue"!
Focus Point: Now, in essence, the problem with democracy--rule of the people--is that the vote of many can be the wrong vote. I find that most people are selfish as well as being fickle and don't know what they want. There's another weakness of democracy, and that is that there are no absolutes. If you really take a minute to think about it, democracy is really based on the integrity and honesty of the one in charge. This comes down to character. And it can be easily influenced by the changing culture.
1. What are the benefits of democracy that you particularly enjoy? What are some of the benefits that are not easily seen, but you still enjoy?
2. What are the problems with democracy that you find particularly disturbing? What are some of the hidden problems that many people do not understand?
3. In a democracy, what do you think God's requirement is to participate within the governing structure and its authority? What limits do you have?
4. How well do you participate within the structure of government over you? Are you active or inactive? Are you informed or uninformed? What do you think God's desires are in terms of your involvement?
5. Have you taken the time to assist in combating against the problems that exist within a democratic government? have you fought against humanism in any way? Have you worked to keep a moral basis for our government?
Focus Point: Democracy cannot succeed without God any more than communism can succeed without God. God is not just our politics, nor can He be, but He has created His own political system and governmental structure which is for superior to all forms of earthly government. From the creator's perspective, life is politics and He is the essence of life.
Constitutional Scripture: Exodus 19:5-6 Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. 6) And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.”
Questions: If, from God's perspective, life is politics, then how involved should we be involved with politics on this planet called earth? What is God asking us to do to be part of His Kingdom's political system? Once again, we need to get a clue!