The Divine Confrontation

"Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well" That is what the King stated to His disciples on the mountain in the book of Matthew 6:33. What He was saying in essence, all these things will be added; all your needs will be met, if you make the Kingdom of God your supreme and top priority as well as your supreme loyalty. Not only will your needs be met, but when you belong to the Kingdom of God, you are very significant as a citizen of that kingdom. You have the protection of the almighty God.
But suppose you do not seek first the Kingdom of God, but instead make your God or a god: seeking first the kingdom of self, like so many had done. Then all things will be subtracted from you. Even if you get them, they soon end up owning you, instead of you owning them. Things get in the saddle and start riding you to your ruin.
But suppose you do not seek first the Kingdom of God, but instead make your God or a god: seeking first the kingdom of self, like so many had done. Then all things will be subtracted from you. Even if you get them, they soon end up owning you, instead of you owning them. Things get in the saddle and start riding you to your ruin.
Example: There was a spectacular case several years ago in the country of Ghana, which is located on the Continent of Africa. Nkrumah was well educated and had the chance of bringing the Kingdom of God into developing Ghana; but instead he brought himself. The result was him trying to be a messiah of a political order centered around himself. The people arose and banished him. They tore down the monument and its inscription, which substituted himself in the place of the Kingdom of God.
In my opinion, there were three things that led to his downfall: First, he was trying to be God; he only succeeded in being a poor man for he was inwardly decaying. Second, the people felt the incongruity (meaning the lack of harmony or agreement) of trying to be God; their morality in conjunction to nature revolted. Thirdly, the nature of the universe; the Kingdom, written into things and man, revolted, for it knew only its Creator's Voice.
Focus: Every religious leader in this world is faced or confronted with seeking the Kingdom. For that is the message they will have to answer to. The people hunger for the Kingdom, not religion or religious messages.
Focus Point: To seek....the Kingdom of God and His righteousness...means to desire God's righteous rule here on this earth.
Reference: Matthew 6:9-10 In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
Focus Point: Please keep this in mind; any attempt by any individual or society to seek out a substitute in place of the Kingdom of God dramatically and swiftly corrodes to failure. There are so many prophets, prophetesses, teachers, preachers and religious leaders promoting their religious agenda. There are a few that are searching for the Kingdom. but what they fail to do is search and study the Scripture. Do you remember what old man Paul instructed Timothy:
Constitutional Scripture II Timothy 2:14-15 Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers. 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
Word Definition: Diligent 1) Persevering and careful in work; hardworking; industrious 2) done with careful, steady effort; painstaking.
Focus Point: By the way, just to remind you: your faith in the King's Word is the key to the Kingdom. Jesus and His Word are One.
In my opinion, there were three things that led to his downfall: First, he was trying to be God; he only succeeded in being a poor man for he was inwardly decaying. Second, the people felt the incongruity (meaning the lack of harmony or agreement) of trying to be God; their morality in conjunction to nature revolted. Thirdly, the nature of the universe; the Kingdom, written into things and man, revolted, for it knew only its Creator's Voice.
Focus: Every religious leader in this world is faced or confronted with seeking the Kingdom. For that is the message they will have to answer to. The people hunger for the Kingdom, not religion or religious messages.
Focus Point: To seek....the Kingdom of God and His righteousness...means to desire God's righteous rule here on this earth.
Reference: Matthew 6:9-10 In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
Focus Point: Please keep this in mind; any attempt by any individual or society to seek out a substitute in place of the Kingdom of God dramatically and swiftly corrodes to failure. There are so many prophets, prophetesses, teachers, preachers and religious leaders promoting their religious agenda. There are a few that are searching for the Kingdom. but what they fail to do is search and study the Scripture. Do you remember what old man Paul instructed Timothy:
Constitutional Scripture II Timothy 2:14-15 Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers. 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
Word Definition: Diligent 1) Persevering and careful in work; hardworking; industrious 2) done with careful, steady effort; painstaking.
Focus Point: By the way, just to remind you: your faith in the King's Word is the key to the Kingdom. Jesus and His Word are One.
I leave you with this statement:
The Kingdom of God has nothing whatsoever to do
with religion.
The Kingdom of God has nothing whatsoever to do
with religion.