The Colonial Intent of God
Constitutional Scripture: Isaiah 45:18 For thus says the Lord, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: “I am the Lord, and there is no other.
The most important part of any event is getting an understanding. We must understand the concept of colonization or else it will be impossible to fully grasp the essence of the Bible's message. A colony is "a group of immigrants or their descendants who settle in a distant land but remain subject to the parent country".
Keep in mind, as citizens of Heaven, we inhabit the earth for the purpose of influencing it with the culture and values of Heaven and bringing it under the government of the King of Heaven.
Remember, God's purpose in colonizing earth was to show the spiritual powers of darkness how beings created in His own image could be planted on the earth and bring in the government and culture of Heaven so that in the end, the earth would look just like Heaven.
Always remember, that God's government, the government of Heaven, is a kingdom, and God is the King. God "invented" the kingdom concept and established it first in Heaven. Once His Kingdom was established in Heaven, God chose this place we call earth specifically as the location of His kingdom colony. Then He placed on it human beings created in His image to run the colony for Him. The first earthly kingdom was merely an extension of His vast kingdom in Heaven.
Questions to Ponder:
1. Why do you think the concept of colonization is so important to understanding the message of God's constitution, which is the Bible? How does this concept affect our view of the religion you know as Christianity?
2. How do you influence the earth with the culture and values of Heaven? Are there ways that you help bring the earth under the government of the King of Heaven?
3. What does our ability to fulfill our mandate to colonize the earth affect the spiritual powers of darkness? What effect do you think you have?
4. What do you know of the Kingdom of Heaven in terms of its government? How does our planet reflect kingdom? How does it not reflect Heaven's government?
5. If the earth is merely an extension of God's Kingdom in Heaven, how must we demonstrate God's Kingdom to those who do not know Him?
"Human kingdoms had citizens who were subject to the king's personal ambitions, goals, whims and desires. God's Kingdom is much different. In the Kingdom of God, there is no subjects, only citizens; but every citizen is a king (or queen) in his or her own right. This is why God is the King of kings. He is the High King of Heaven who rules over the human kings He created to rule over the earthly domain".
Thought: Please take the time to consider how God has made you to be a king or queen on this planet we call earth.
Question: How does your rulership reflect the High King of Heaven's rulership? ...Meaning your lifestyle and behavior.
~~W.R. Luchie
This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you
The most important part of any event is getting an understanding. We must understand the concept of colonization or else it will be impossible to fully grasp the essence of the Bible's message. A colony is "a group of immigrants or their descendants who settle in a distant land but remain subject to the parent country".
Keep in mind, as citizens of Heaven, we inhabit the earth for the purpose of influencing it with the culture and values of Heaven and bringing it under the government of the King of Heaven.
Remember, God's purpose in colonizing earth was to show the spiritual powers of darkness how beings created in His own image could be planted on the earth and bring in the government and culture of Heaven so that in the end, the earth would look just like Heaven.
Always remember, that God's government, the government of Heaven, is a kingdom, and God is the King. God "invented" the kingdom concept and established it first in Heaven. Once His Kingdom was established in Heaven, God chose this place we call earth specifically as the location of His kingdom colony. Then He placed on it human beings created in His image to run the colony for Him. The first earthly kingdom was merely an extension of His vast kingdom in Heaven.
Questions to Ponder:
1. Why do you think the concept of colonization is so important to understanding the message of God's constitution, which is the Bible? How does this concept affect our view of the religion you know as Christianity?
2. How do you influence the earth with the culture and values of Heaven? Are there ways that you help bring the earth under the government of the King of Heaven?
3. What does our ability to fulfill our mandate to colonize the earth affect the spiritual powers of darkness? What effect do you think you have?
4. What do you know of the Kingdom of Heaven in terms of its government? How does our planet reflect kingdom? How does it not reflect Heaven's government?
5. If the earth is merely an extension of God's Kingdom in Heaven, how must we demonstrate God's Kingdom to those who do not know Him?
"Human kingdoms had citizens who were subject to the king's personal ambitions, goals, whims and desires. God's Kingdom is much different. In the Kingdom of God, there is no subjects, only citizens; but every citizen is a king (or queen) in his or her own right. This is why God is the King of kings. He is the High King of Heaven who rules over the human kings He created to rule over the earthly domain".
Thought: Please take the time to consider how God has made you to be a king or queen on this planet we call earth.
Question: How does your rulership reflect the High King of Heaven's rulership? ...Meaning your lifestyle and behavior.
~~W.R. Luchie
This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you