The Balancing of Life While Living In Two Kingdoms
Do you recall what Jesus stated to the religious group regarding taxes? And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” As Kingdom citizens, we face challenges on a daily basis, living in two kingdom simultaneously. One is the Kingdom of Heaven, where our citizenship lies, and the kingdom of this present world, where we reside. The fact that these two kingdoms are often in conflict adds to the dilemma and challenge. As a kingdom, Jesus recognized that all governmental systems have legitimate claims and demands of their citizens. He simply stated that we should give each kingdom its due. Every earthly kingdom has its own tax system. Because the coin used for paying tax to Rome bore Caesar's image, it meant that Caesar claimed it as his own. He was the king, and he was simply calling for that which was his. Whatever bore Caesar's image belonged to Caesar.
Now in the same manner, whatever bears the Lord God's image belongs to God. As being created in the image of our Lord, we belong to the Lord God, and He can claim us in a way no earthly kingdom can. The human leaders of the nation where we live, work and hold our citizenship, may make legitimate claims on our time, our money and our labor, but they have no claim on our character. We bear a much deeper image and answer to a much higher claim because we belong to God.
Questions for Thought:
Now in the same manner, whatever bears the Lord God's image belongs to God. As being created in the image of our Lord, we belong to the Lord God, and He can claim us in a way no earthly kingdom can. The human leaders of the nation where we live, work and hold our citizenship, may make legitimate claims on our time, our money and our labor, but they have no claim on our character. We bear a much deeper image and answer to a much higher claim because we belong to God.
Questions for Thought:
- As Kingdom citizens who live in two kingdoms, what types of challenges do we face? What challenges do you personally experience?
- Where do the two kingdoms differ in terms of our culture? What have you faced because of the differences?
- How do the two kingdoms collide within your daily life? On the job? In the home? In your community?
Consider your current place of employment: Your supervisor asks something of you that may be unethical or illegal--what should you do? If you are committed to Kingdom principles, you should respectfully be firm and remind your supervisor that although he can make demands on your time and your labor while you are on the job, he cannot make demands on your character. He may own the paper, the pen, the business, but he does not own you. Stand up for what is right, even if your employment is in jeopardy. Once you surrender your character and integrity for the sake of your employment, then your boss or supervisor will own you. Remember, you have a greater image on you and you answer to a higher authority because you belong to another kingdom.
Personal Questions: Have you ever had to face a situation such as was described here? Are you able to answer to God--your higher authority--when necessary?
Matthew 22:21
~~W.R. Luchie
Personal Questions: Have you ever had to face a situation such as was described here? Are you able to answer to God--your higher authority--when necessary?
Matthew 22:21
~~W.R. Luchie