1. The only way for a man to discover and live out his inherent nature is to maintain a focus on his God-given purpose rather than on roles that are related to a certain culture or time in history.
2. Five vital purposes of the male are 1. to dwell in God's presence , 2. to manifest what God put inside him 3. to be a cultivator 4. to be a protector, and 5. to be a teacher.
3. When a man gets into God's presence, he begins to function again.
4. Work reveals the potential God has placed within you. You were born with something "trapped" in you that the world is meant to benefit from.
5. God doesn't give the finished product but the raw material to cultivate.
6. Men are designed to guard, defend and cover everything under their care and in their spheres of influence.
7. The male must know God's Word in order to teach his wife and children.
Constitution: Genesis 2:15
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Prayer: Father God, You have given us your Word as a light to guide us in our way. We have been created with a purpose that comes directly from You. You have designed the male with the inherent ability to be a protector, cultivator, and teacher. Please help us to see Your design clearly so that we can walk in it and fulfill our purpose on this earth. In Jesus' name, Amen.
2. Five vital purposes of the male are 1. to dwell in God's presence , 2. to manifest what God put inside him 3. to be a cultivator 4. to be a protector, and 5. to be a teacher.
3. When a man gets into God's presence, he begins to function again.
4. Work reveals the potential God has placed within you. You were born with something "trapped" in you that the world is meant to benefit from.
5. God doesn't give the finished product but the raw material to cultivate.
6. Men are designed to guard, defend and cover everything under their care and in their spheres of influence.
7. The male must know God's Word in order to teach his wife and children.
Constitution: Genesis 2:15
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Prayer: Father God, You have given us your Word as a light to guide us in our way. We have been created with a purpose that comes directly from You. You have designed the male with the inherent ability to be a protector, cultivator, and teacher. Please help us to see Your design clearly so that we can walk in it and fulfill our purpose on this earth. In Jesus' name, Amen.