Life Inside the Door of the Kingdom

King Jesus made this statement: I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. Living life to the maximum is what our kingdom inheritance is all about, and it begins with King Jesus. But it does not end at the door. Life is a journey and life in the Kingdom will require that you move beyond your original experience with the Lord God and mature and grow as a true son of the Kingdom in good standing.
Claiming our inheritance has nothing to do with joining a particular church or denomination. It has nothing to do with being religious. It has everything to do with understanding that we are citizens of a kingdom that is established and ruled by the Lord god, which will most definitely endure forever. As Kingdom citizens, we have legal rights to the government. The reason why so many of us receive so little from God is because we do not recognize ourselves as citizens of His Kingdom. We do not understand our rights as citizens. We are living as a religious order called Christianity. By doing so, we lack the confidence or boldness to take Him at His Word and ask. Kingdom citizenship is a spiritual reality, but it is also a mindset. As believers, we already have the Spirit of God, but we most definitely need to learn the mind and the heart of the living God. We need training in thinking and living as God's children. This is why my wife Arlene and I created this website,
"He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake."
Thoughtful questions:
Thoughts to meditate on:
There are many believers who get so completely fixated on King Jesus as Savior and being "born again" that as soon as they are inside the door of the Kingdom, they cross the doorstep and never go any farther. Jesus is the doorway to the Kingdom, but, believe me, there are much more riches that are beyond that awaits inside.
Now for three personal questions:
John 10:9 Psalm 23:2-3
~~W.R. Luchie
Claiming our inheritance has nothing to do with joining a particular church or denomination. It has nothing to do with being religious. It has everything to do with understanding that we are citizens of a kingdom that is established and ruled by the Lord god, which will most definitely endure forever. As Kingdom citizens, we have legal rights to the government. The reason why so many of us receive so little from God is because we do not recognize ourselves as citizens of His Kingdom. We do not understand our rights as citizens. We are living as a religious order called Christianity. By doing so, we lack the confidence or boldness to take Him at His Word and ask. Kingdom citizenship is a spiritual reality, but it is also a mindset. As believers, we already have the Spirit of God, but we most definitely need to learn the mind and the heart of the living God. We need training in thinking and living as God's children. This is why my wife Arlene and I created this website,
"He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake."
Thoughtful questions:
- How is our inheritance related to our growing and maturing as children of the Kingdom?
- Once inside the door, did you find it difficult to move beyond and experience new things in God? Why or why not?
- The pasture that King Jesus brings us to is our inheritance. Describe that pasture in your own words.
- What are the legal rights you have claimed from the government of God's Kingdom?
Thoughts to meditate on:
There are many believers who get so completely fixated on King Jesus as Savior and being "born again" that as soon as they are inside the door of the Kingdom, they cross the doorstep and never go any farther. Jesus is the doorway to the Kingdom, but, believe me, there are much more riches that are beyond that awaits inside.
Now for three personal questions:
- Do you know individuals who camp out on the doorstep of the Kingdom?
- Have you gone farther?
- What riches have you discovered inside the door?
John 10:9 Psalm 23:2-3
~~W.R. Luchie