The King's Policies Should Be Carried Out
As I have mentioned several times, the only responsibility we have as Christ's ambassadors is to make sure we are connected to our King in such a way that we can know and understand what He says, and then speak and act accordingly. This is where the pressure is removed. We are not establishing policy; we are responsible only for carrying out the policies established by the King. Remember, it is not our job to decide what we believe and think. Believe it or not, that is where we get in trouble. Our job is to learn and discern what our King thinks and then to come into agreement with Him.
Whenever someone tempts you or challenges you to take a position contrary to our King's will, all you have to do is fall back on what He said. If anyone should ask you "What's wrong with two men living together in a sexual relationship as husband and wife?" just refer them to the King's principles and law. Such as:
You should not be with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination.
Or if they should ask you "What is wrong with a man and woman living together without marriage?" or "What is wrong with sex outside of marriage?" Or if they should say "This is a new day and age, and we need to be up with the times."
Answer to Response: In response you can simply say, "Well here is the position that my government takes (my King): It is a sin." You will find there is no debate, argument, nor ambiguity. You simply fall back on the Word of God and let the responsibility rest there; that is, provided that you know the Word.
Focus Point: This is why you should study the Constitution day and night. To the point, you become one with it.
Focus Point: As long as we concentrate on our King's interests and in representing Him faithfully, He will take care of ours. This the Lord has pledged to do in a promise that can never fail. He made this statement while speaking to His disciples:
Therefore do not worry, saying 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Focus Point: Keep in mind, Jesus' assignment was to reintroduce the Kingdom of God on earth. He preached it and He demonstrated its reality and power through the signs and wonders He performed.
Whenever someone tempts you or challenges you to take a position contrary to our King's will, all you have to do is fall back on what He said. If anyone should ask you "What's wrong with two men living together in a sexual relationship as husband and wife?" just refer them to the King's principles and law. Such as:
You should not be with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination.
Or if they should ask you "What is wrong with a man and woman living together without marriage?" or "What is wrong with sex outside of marriage?" Or if they should say "This is a new day and age, and we need to be up with the times."
Answer to Response: In response you can simply say, "Well here is the position that my government takes (my King): It is a sin." You will find there is no debate, argument, nor ambiguity. You simply fall back on the Word of God and let the responsibility rest there; that is, provided that you know the Word.
Focus Point: This is why you should study the Constitution day and night. To the point, you become one with it.
Focus Point: As long as we concentrate on our King's interests and in representing Him faithfully, He will take care of ours. This the Lord has pledged to do in a promise that can never fail. He made this statement while speaking to His disciples:
Therefore do not worry, saying 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Focus Point: Keep in mind, Jesus' assignment was to reintroduce the Kingdom of God on earth. He preached it and He demonstrated its reality and power through the signs and wonders He performed.
In order for the Church to effectively change the world
It must clarify the message and
Commit to a renewed preaching of the
Gospel of the Kingdom.
It must clarify the message and
Commit to a renewed preaching of the
Gospel of the Kingdom.
Leviticus 18:22 Matthew 6:31-34
~~W.R. Luchie
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This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you