Notice the first thing ambassador James told them: "Submit to God". Often when this verse is quoted, they leave off that part. That is key, that is why it is mentioned first! If you want to grow in the Kingdom, you must first learn how to listen and follow His instructions. The Lord Jesus never told us to fight the world system or even the devil. He simply said, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. NKJV By doing so, we will be following His command and everything that we could ever need will be provided to us. That is what His Word says and He cannot lie!
Obeying and submitting to the King's command should be our top priority. This will show in our behavior. If we humble ourselves to the Governor--Holy Spirit--He will fully operate in our lifestyle. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. It is not enough to believe there is a God. You must put your trust and belief in His Word. You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.
Submitting to the Lord God's Word takes faith and trust in Him. So what are you waiting for? You, being a citizen of the Kingdom, must embrace His Word to the fullest. As you read, it is not enough to just believe there is a God, demons know that and they fear the King and Lord!
In order for this to take place in your life while you are in this world, your mind must be changed. A process that will take some time. In some cases, it will take longer than others. Ambassador Paul put it this way: And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Once you have been born again in the Spirit, you begin a new life. You have a whole new nature. You have to learn a whole new set of laws and principles. King Jesus made this statement: Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.
Remember, the Lord Jesus wasn't a religious leader but a King representing His Kingdom which was not part of this world! Jesus answered, “My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.” He also confirmed that He was a King and that was why He was born. Pilate said, “So you are a king?”
Jesus responded, “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”
Having said that, when you are born again, you must learn the laws and principles of the Kingdom government in order to please the King. It is the same concept as moving to a new country and having to learn that country's laws and customs. Ambassador Paul once again made it quite clear here: Remind everyone about these things, and command them in God’s presence to stop fighting over words. Such arguments are useless, and they can ruin those who hear them.
Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive His approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth. The more you study His Word, the more you will know how to submit to His Will for your life. That is why it is so important for you to be filled with the Holy Spirit in your life and listen for His leading. The Holy Spirit--our Governor--is the one who sealed you for the day of Christ's return. Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. NKJV By the way, that seal is the means of Him knowing those who are His. But God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and “All who belong to the Lord must turn away from evil.”
Remember, your faith in the Word of God is your greatest asset in the Kingdom of God.
James 4:7 Matthew 6:33 John 4:10; 2:19 John 3:6; 18:36-37
2 Timothy 2:14-15 Ephesians 4:29-30 2 Timothy 2:19
All NLT except where noted
W.R. Luchie
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