And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith. Without the Lord God showing him anything, he took Him at His Word. That should be the response of every citizen of the Kingdom of God when reading and studying His Constitution, meaning the Word. Without it there is no way that you can please Him. By the way, without faith you will not receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Again, ambassador Paul made it clear to those who have the ear to listen and learn: Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.
Faith in the Lord Jesus the Christ has nothing whatsoever to do with the color of your skin, your culture or your language. It has everything to do with your faith in the Lord Jesus the Christ. There are many religions that embrace their skin color or their culture. In my personal experience, I have found this very true among African Americans. I also have found that many religious Caucasians will not follow a leader of color. In both of those examples, they have greater faith in their own skin color than in the Lord Jesus the Christ. All this behavior is a trick of demonic forces. The enemy has set out to divide the people of faith. That is because they have their faith in the wrong object. If they were focused on the Lord Jesus the Christ, that wouldn't happen. Many people are led by their emotions, because they don't have the Holy Spirit or aren't tuned in to His leading. Attending a church doesn't mean you have the guidance of the Holy Spirit--the Governor. We will continue learning about faith next week.
Remember you greatest asset is your faith in the Lord Jesus the Christ. He is the what was the question...
Hebrews 11:6 Genesis 12:1-3 Genesis 15:6 Hebrews 11:1
W.R. Luchie
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