But one thing a doer may have trouble with is resting in faith that God will do what you cannot do and fulfill His purpose in you. Doers don't wait well. Sarai must have been a doer. She couldn't rest in faith that God could actually give her a son at her advanced age. She had to "help" God with that promise. But when she worked it out her way, she ended up with Ishmael and problems!
Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had not been able to bear children for him. But she had an Egyptian servant named Hagar. So Sarai said to Abram, “The Lord has prevented me from having children. Go and sleep with my servant. Perhaps I can have children through her.” And Abram agreed with Sarai’s proposal. So Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar the Egyptian servant and gave her to Abram as a wife. (This happened ten years after Abram had settled in the land of Canaan.)
So Abram had sexual relations with Hagar, and she became pregnant. But when Hagar knew she was pregnant, she began to treat her mistress, Sarai, with contempt. Then Sarai said to Abram, “This is all your fault! I put my servant into your arms, but now that she’s pregnant she treats me with contempt. The Lord will show who’s wrong—you or me!”
Abram replied, “Look, she is your servant, so deal with her as you see fit.” Then Sarai treated Hagar so harshly that she finally ran away.
Genesis 16:1-6 NLT
In 2018, God is greatly changing my life from one that was predictable, stable and even monotonous to one of great unknowns. Every time God has blessed me with something much better and answered my prayers, He has first removed most of what was my life. It was as if He was wiping the slate clean to start again. It is during those times when the problems seem too big--too many--too impossible, He was also teaching me to rest in Him rather than be a doer.
I don't want an Ishmael.
I can do "good" in my own strength. I can take a project, get a plan, break it down and give it a timeline. I can bring order to chaos. But I can't do the impossible, the miraculous. And that is what I'm praying for now.
And the Holy Spirit said "Rest in Him. Have faith". That is how we get the impossible...the great! But that is harder than doing! This year, in this season, I must learn to "be"...To be at peace in every situation... Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13 NLT ...To be His child, with childlike faith that says I believe my God is able to do everything He has promised. I can't work it out in my finite mind, but my God all ready has.
The Lord kept His word and did for Sarah exactly what He had promised. She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time God had said it would. And Abraham named their son Isaac. Eight days after Isaac was born, Abraham circumcised him as God had commanded. Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born.
And Sarah declared, “God has brought me laughter. All who hear about this will laugh with me. Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse a baby? Yet I have given Abraham a son in his old age!” Genesis 21:1-7 NLT
Can you imagine a couple that old even being alive and well, let alone to have a baby and nurse him?! Miraculous! Now what has God promised you that you can't do in your own strength? What is the heart's desire you have been asking God for? If it is your heart's desire, it is not anything a doer can make happen in their own strength. Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and He will help you. Psalm 37:3-5 NLT
Take a deep breath....you don't have to make this happen. You just have to TRUST Him. Breathe out...now, rest in Him. Your Isaac is coming, but it is only in His strength, not yours.
Be a Kingdom light shining in the darkness,
Deborah Luchie
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