Government: Man's System vs God's System
Man's attempt at governing his society:
Feudalism-- Feudalism describes a governing or ruling system that was established by virtue of the power of ownership. Feudalism was a derivative of the original government established under Adam, who was the landlord of the earth. Feudalism puts the authority that belongs to the King of Heaven into the hands of unrighteous humans.
Dictatorship-- Dictatorship is the form of government derived from the concept of "divine authority". A dictatorship is government that concentrates its power and authority in the hands of one individual who wields absolute authority unrestricted by laws, constitution or any other social-political factor.
Communism-- Communism is a man's attempt to control land and people by the exercise of dictatorship.Communism attempts to re-establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth as given to Adam, but without the involvement of the Source of creation Himself. In essence, communism is an attempt to establish a kingdom without righteousness.
Socialism-- Socialism substitutes the state for the king and attempts to control society for the benefit of society. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and the state loses its concern for the individual as it becomes more obsessed with its own power.
Focus Point: Here is something for you to meditate on:
Government is all about order, influence, administration, distribution, protection, maintenance, accountability, responsibility and productivity. Governing incorporates the concepts of both power and authority. Both authority and power must be in balance for government to be successful. Authority has to do with responsibility while power has to do with ability. Authority has to do with empowerment; power focuses exercising authority. authority gives power its legality.
Now think about those whom you may govern or those who govern you.
~~W.R. Luchie
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Feudalism-- Feudalism describes a governing or ruling system that was established by virtue of the power of ownership. Feudalism was a derivative of the original government established under Adam, who was the landlord of the earth. Feudalism puts the authority that belongs to the King of Heaven into the hands of unrighteous humans.
Dictatorship-- Dictatorship is the form of government derived from the concept of "divine authority". A dictatorship is government that concentrates its power and authority in the hands of one individual who wields absolute authority unrestricted by laws, constitution or any other social-political factor.
Communism-- Communism is a man's attempt to control land and people by the exercise of dictatorship.Communism attempts to re-establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth as given to Adam, but without the involvement of the Source of creation Himself. In essence, communism is an attempt to establish a kingdom without righteousness.
Socialism-- Socialism substitutes the state for the king and attempts to control society for the benefit of society. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and the state loses its concern for the individual as it becomes more obsessed with its own power.
Focus Point: Here is something for you to meditate on:
Government is all about order, influence, administration, distribution, protection, maintenance, accountability, responsibility and productivity. Governing incorporates the concepts of both power and authority. Both authority and power must be in balance for government to be successful. Authority has to do with responsibility while power has to do with ability. Authority has to do with empowerment; power focuses exercising authority. authority gives power its legality.
Now think about those whom you may govern or those who govern you.
~~W.R. Luchie
This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you