Kingdom 101: He Restored What Man Lost

Growing up, my mother was the leader and head of my home. I learned to depend on my mother for guidance and leadership. Now, looking back, I realize that my mother was using the words of the Kingdom to raise me. She would share with me the promise that Jesus was coming back again. Little did I know that much more would have to take place before that occurred.
I have learned since then, there is much for mankind to do before that happens. Since this tragic universal calamity of man's rebellion against His heavenly Kingdom government, this thing called religion has been man's vain attempt to return to the Lord God's presence and to compensate for his loss. The principle motivation is to rediscover and receive what he has lost--the Kingdom of God. In essence, religion represents every activity of mankind in its self-centered search for God and the Kingdom, whether through Islam or Christianity.
Please note: No matter how hard man tried, he could never find an infinite God by using finite human resources called religion. Mankind's problem didn't take the Lord God by surprise. In God's omniscience--His all-knowing nature--the Lord God knew before time began that we would never find Him without His assistance. Instead of allowing us to expend our lives in continued frustration trying to reach up and touch Him, He came down to earth to take hold of us. His desire and purpose was to bring us back into the right relationship with Him and return to us the lost Kingdom. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Religion is, in essence, man's search for God. No matter how dedicated, loyal, and zealous our religious pursuit may be, as long as mankind is dissatisfied and searching for more, he has not yet found the Kingdom.
Religion is mankind's substitute for the Kingdom. That is why it will never satisfy him. Only the Kingdom can solve man's eternal problem. This is why the King told His disciples and others under the sound of His voice: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Seeking the Kingdom should be your number one priority. Accepting King Jesus is the door to the Kingdom. Jesus made this profound statement. I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
John 3:16 Matthew 6:33 John 10:9
~~W.R. Luchie
I have learned since then, there is much for mankind to do before that happens. Since this tragic universal calamity of man's rebellion against His heavenly Kingdom government, this thing called religion has been man's vain attempt to return to the Lord God's presence and to compensate for his loss. The principle motivation is to rediscover and receive what he has lost--the Kingdom of God. In essence, religion represents every activity of mankind in its self-centered search for God and the Kingdom, whether through Islam or Christianity.
Please note: No matter how hard man tried, he could never find an infinite God by using finite human resources called religion. Mankind's problem didn't take the Lord God by surprise. In God's omniscience--His all-knowing nature--the Lord God knew before time began that we would never find Him without His assistance. Instead of allowing us to expend our lives in continued frustration trying to reach up and touch Him, He came down to earth to take hold of us. His desire and purpose was to bring us back into the right relationship with Him and return to us the lost Kingdom. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Religion is, in essence, man's search for God. No matter how dedicated, loyal, and zealous our religious pursuit may be, as long as mankind is dissatisfied and searching for more, he has not yet found the Kingdom.
Religion is mankind's substitute for the Kingdom. That is why it will never satisfy him. Only the Kingdom can solve man's eternal problem. This is why the King told His disciples and others under the sound of His voice: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Seeking the Kingdom should be your number one priority. Accepting King Jesus is the door to the Kingdom. Jesus made this profound statement. I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
John 3:16 Matthew 6:33 John 10:9
~~W.R. Luchie