Advancing the Kingdom

Matthew 24:14:
And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Arlene and I have a mission and passion to see the gospel of the Kingdom of God taught throughout the world and that the world will grow in Kingdom knowledge. We can not be everywhere, but we can speak to the world through this website, the internet, our community and inspire YOU to spread the Kingdom. We strive to equip you with Kingdom knowledge; and you, in turn will spread that knowledge. Then Matthew 24:14 will be fulfilled.
All of our Kingdom teachings are available to all here on our website, at no charge. If you desire to help us with the costs of this ministry and advancing the Kingdom of God, just click on the donate button below. Our vision is far greater than our funds so your donation is greatly appreciated.
This is not for our personal support, but to cover the expenses of this Kingdom teaching assignment.
After prayer and consideration, we have chosen not to seek tax exempt status in the United States. That status can become a muzzle and prevent us from freely speaking God's Kingdom laws, principles and standards as laid out in His Constitution, the Bible. Thank you for embracing and spreading the Kingdom of God. Be abundantly blessed.
Ambassadors of the Kingdom, W.R. & D. Arlene Luchie
And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Arlene and I have a mission and passion to see the gospel of the Kingdom of God taught throughout the world and that the world will grow in Kingdom knowledge. We can not be everywhere, but we can speak to the world through this website, the internet, our community and inspire YOU to spread the Kingdom. We strive to equip you with Kingdom knowledge; and you, in turn will spread that knowledge. Then Matthew 24:14 will be fulfilled.
All of our Kingdom teachings are available to all here on our website, at no charge. If you desire to help us with the costs of this ministry and advancing the Kingdom of God, just click on the donate button below. Our vision is far greater than our funds so your donation is greatly appreciated.
This is not for our personal support, but to cover the expenses of this Kingdom teaching assignment.
After prayer and consideration, we have chosen not to seek tax exempt status in the United States. That status can become a muzzle and prevent us from freely speaking God's Kingdom laws, principles and standards as laid out in His Constitution, the Bible. Thank you for embracing and spreading the Kingdom of God. Be abundantly blessed.
Ambassadors of the Kingdom, W.R. & D. Arlene Luchie
If you prefer to mail a gift, our mailing address is:
Kingdom Citizens
1027 S Pendleton St Suite B-242
Easley, SC 29642
Checks and Money orders should be made out to:
W.R. Luchie, Kingdom Citizens
Thank you so much for your support!
Kingdom Citizens
1027 S Pendleton St Suite B-242
Easley, SC 29642
Checks and Money orders should be made out to:
W.R. Luchie, Kingdom Citizens
Thank you so much for your support!
You may also support this ministry by purchasing our e-books, which contain selections of Kingdom teachings from this website and more. We are humbled and appreciative of your support. Thank you.
Just click below to purchase:
Just click below to purchase: