Facing Life Successfully and Effectively Pt 1

With so much mystery and uncertainty in this life, how can we have any hope of facing life with confidence? By totally trusting in the Lord God's Word. How can we be assured of success in this life when so much is hidden from us? Again, by trusting in the King's Word. Remember, the secret of success is knowledge, so embrace it. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.
This is just as true for life as for any other endeavor. The key to successful living lies in several things: First, we must know our limitations. God's Constitution states that if we believe we are more than we think we are, then we lack wisdom and are worse off than a foolish person. Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. In the original Hebrew, the word for a fool here literally means "stupid" or silly. In other words, the stupidest people in the world are those who think too highly of themselves. Everyone has their limitations, and if we are wise, we will recognize our own. We have to know where the line is drawn, where we have to stop. We must know when we have gone as far as we can go.
Please note: The Lord God never expects us to move beyond our limitations on our own. This is why it is so important to trust in His written Word. Anything that He asks of us, He will empower us to accomplish, even if it seems impossible from our vantage point. But remember, we may have limitations, but God does not. For with God nothing will be impossible.
Knowing our limitations frees us to walk and live His Word, where we can live in the Lord God's infinite capability. Only then can we "do the impossible."
Secondly, we must know what we are responsible for. Here is an example: We are each responsible for the decisions we make every day. Many individuals today like to play the blame game by refusing to accept responsibility for their upbringing or the behavior of other people. This game is as old as the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve blamed each other for their disobedience to God's command. Not only are we responsible for our decisions, we are responsible also for how we respond to the adversities that life sometimes throws our way. We often have little control over what happens to us, but we do control the way adversity affects our lives. That is where our responsibility lies. Through it all, I have learned to trust in His written Word and not on other's opinions. I have humbled my will to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I advise those who are reading this to do the same if you plan to be successful in the eyes of the Lord God.
Hosea 4:6 Proverbs 26:12 Luke 1:37
~~W.R. Luchie
This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you
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This is just as true for life as for any other endeavor. The key to successful living lies in several things: First, we must know our limitations. God's Constitution states that if we believe we are more than we think we are, then we lack wisdom and are worse off than a foolish person. Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. In the original Hebrew, the word for a fool here literally means "stupid" or silly. In other words, the stupidest people in the world are those who think too highly of themselves. Everyone has their limitations, and if we are wise, we will recognize our own. We have to know where the line is drawn, where we have to stop. We must know when we have gone as far as we can go.
Please note: The Lord God never expects us to move beyond our limitations on our own. This is why it is so important to trust in His written Word. Anything that He asks of us, He will empower us to accomplish, even if it seems impossible from our vantage point. But remember, we may have limitations, but God does not. For with God nothing will be impossible.
Knowing our limitations frees us to walk and live His Word, where we can live in the Lord God's infinite capability. Only then can we "do the impossible."
Secondly, we must know what we are responsible for. Here is an example: We are each responsible for the decisions we make every day. Many individuals today like to play the blame game by refusing to accept responsibility for their upbringing or the behavior of other people. This game is as old as the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve blamed each other for their disobedience to God's command. Not only are we responsible for our decisions, we are responsible also for how we respond to the adversities that life sometimes throws our way. We often have little control over what happens to us, but we do control the way adversity affects our lives. That is where our responsibility lies. Through it all, I have learned to trust in His written Word and not on other's opinions. I have humbled my will to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I advise those who are reading this to do the same if you plan to be successful in the eyes of the Lord God.
Hosea 4:6 Proverbs 26:12 Luke 1:37
~~W.R. Luchie
This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you
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