Where Do You Stand Concerning Your Purpose?
There are so many men and women who haven't discovered who they are as leaders. Are you one of these men or women? Allow me to share this with you: Leadership is not exercised simply by implementing techniques or methods, by using one's skills, or by exhibiting a particular management style. It is the expression of a mindset resulting from the knowledge of who you were born to be. This is why it is so important that you read and study God's Constitution.
We live our lives based on who we think we are and why we think we exist. Therefore, our leadership development to this point has been influenced by our sense of the significance of life and our relationship to it. If you really want to be a great leader; follow King Jesus' actions and teachings. You will soon discover everything He taught that He was.
Discovering your inherent purpose in this life should be a top priority. How do you accomplish that? Through speaking to the King on a daily basis, and always staying in the Word. Read what Paul stated to the young Timothy: Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Remember a true leader recognizes that he has a special purpose for being on this planet called earth. That purpose determines the area of leadership in which he is to serve. Every person on this earth is meant to exercise leadership in a particular area of their gifts and talents. When Paul stated to Timothy "be diligent", what he was actually saying was this: Persevere, be careful and always be steady in your purpose and your service to the King. Paul also reminded Timothy: But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. If you stay in God's Constitution (the Word), you won't have a mindset for idle chat or conversation, and then you can fulfill your purpose.
II Timothy 2:15 II Timothy 2:16
~~W.R. Luchie
There are so many men and women who haven't discovered who they are as leaders. Are you one of these men or women? Allow me to share this with you: Leadership is not exercised simply by implementing techniques or methods, by using one's skills, or by exhibiting a particular management style. It is the expression of a mindset resulting from the knowledge of who you were born to be. This is why it is so important that you read and study God's Constitution.
We live our lives based on who we think we are and why we think we exist. Therefore, our leadership development to this point has been influenced by our sense of the significance of life and our relationship to it. If you really want to be a great leader; follow King Jesus' actions and teachings. You will soon discover everything He taught that He was.
Discovering your inherent purpose in this life should be a top priority. How do you accomplish that? Through speaking to the King on a daily basis, and always staying in the Word. Read what Paul stated to the young Timothy: Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Remember a true leader recognizes that he has a special purpose for being on this planet called earth. That purpose determines the area of leadership in which he is to serve. Every person on this earth is meant to exercise leadership in a particular area of their gifts and talents. When Paul stated to Timothy "be diligent", what he was actually saying was this: Persevere, be careful and always be steady in your purpose and your service to the King. Paul also reminded Timothy: But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. If you stay in God's Constitution (the Word), you won't have a mindset for idle chat or conversation, and then you can fulfill your purpose.
II Timothy 2:15 II Timothy 2:16
~~W.R. Luchie