Leadership Ability Is Built Within Us
Dr. Munroe once said, "Leadership is designed to function like the flight of a natural bird rather than that of a mechanical plane". That doesn't mean that leaders act independently from others. Keep this in mind, "leadership is not a role one plays; it is a life one leads". True leaders begin to "fly" when they start living in line with their intrinsic purpose. The problem with us is we never give God, our Creator and Source, the glory He deserves. You should always take the time to thank the King for His goodness. One Psalmist wrote Praise the Lord! Praise Him in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! If you have not yet discovered your inherent leadership purpose you may have missed an important position in your current place of employment. You may have an impressive job description, but you are only functioning "mechanically" instead of naturally. You are going through the motions, but you aren't leading according to the capacity that you were meant to. You also aren't experiencing the level of fulfillment that comes with it. Only when you discover who you were born to be, and how your intrinsic gifts determine your personal leadership, that you effectively develop the values, principles and ethics that lead to a strong character.
Keep in mind, character is much more than mere rules and regulations for behavior. If you don't understand the relationship between leadership and purpose, then the development of your character can be interrupted or blocked. You may always struggle with certain ethical flaws because you will be functioning according to an "unnatural" basis. Here is what God's Constitution has to say about understanding: Understanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it. But the correction of fools is folly.
Psalm 150:1-2 Proverbs 16:22
~~W.R. Luchie
Dr. Munroe once said, "Leadership is designed to function like the flight of a natural bird rather than that of a mechanical plane". That doesn't mean that leaders act independently from others. Keep this in mind, "leadership is not a role one plays; it is a life one leads". True leaders begin to "fly" when they start living in line with their intrinsic purpose. The problem with us is we never give God, our Creator and Source, the glory He deserves. You should always take the time to thank the King for His goodness. One Psalmist wrote Praise the Lord! Praise Him in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! If you have not yet discovered your inherent leadership purpose you may have missed an important position in your current place of employment. You may have an impressive job description, but you are only functioning "mechanically" instead of naturally. You are going through the motions, but you aren't leading according to the capacity that you were meant to. You also aren't experiencing the level of fulfillment that comes with it. Only when you discover who you were born to be, and how your intrinsic gifts determine your personal leadership, that you effectively develop the values, principles and ethics that lead to a strong character.
Keep in mind, character is much more than mere rules and regulations for behavior. If you don't understand the relationship between leadership and purpose, then the development of your character can be interrupted or blocked. You may always struggle with certain ethical flaws because you will be functioning according to an "unnatural" basis. Here is what God's Constitution has to say about understanding: Understanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it. But the correction of fools is folly.
Psalm 150:1-2 Proverbs 16:22
~~W.R. Luchie