Taking Proper Care of Resources
As a kingdom citizen, you must be above reproach. How do you do that? By reading and living by the Word of the King, which is given by His Father God. For example: When you keep coming to work late, you can lose your employment. When you keep eating too much fat in the food you consume, you can lose your health. When you do not cultivate your friendships, those friendships can die. If you fail to keep putting affection and respect into your marriage it will fall apart. Whatever you mismanage, you will start losing. Whatever you manage properly, you will protect.
Remember, proper management applies resources in the most effective, efficient and beneficial way. Good managers don't waste resources, and they don't give them over to the wrong purpose. Kingdom Citizens have a standard that is handed down from King Jesus. God's managers do not hoard resources either. When you hoard things, you aren't really managing them at all. So when you earn one hundred dollars, you don't hoard it, but you don't spend it on your own whims either. You take the first ten dollars of it and give it to the God of your creation. Then you ask Him what to do with the other ninety dollars. That is how you manage the money He has given you access to.
To use something correctly implies that you will use it with integrity, By the way, always remember where your resources come from and who gives you the power to get wealth. “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. Even though God was speaking to Israel, His Word still holds true to this very day.
If you use something correctly, you will not slip into dishonesty. If you are not supposed to use the copier at work, you will not make personal copies on it. You won't even help yourself to a paperclip. Remember, proper management is timely use of another person's property. Also remember that even your own property doesn't wholly belong to you.
If you are to be rewarded from King Jesus, obey His laws and principles. There is no excuse for not being obedient.
Deuteronomy 8:18
~~W.R. Luchie
As a kingdom citizen, you must be above reproach. How do you do that? By reading and living by the Word of the King, which is given by His Father God. For example: When you keep coming to work late, you can lose your employment. When you keep eating too much fat in the food you consume, you can lose your health. When you do not cultivate your friendships, those friendships can die. If you fail to keep putting affection and respect into your marriage it will fall apart. Whatever you mismanage, you will start losing. Whatever you manage properly, you will protect.
Remember, proper management applies resources in the most effective, efficient and beneficial way. Good managers don't waste resources, and they don't give them over to the wrong purpose. Kingdom Citizens have a standard that is handed down from King Jesus. God's managers do not hoard resources either. When you hoard things, you aren't really managing them at all. So when you earn one hundred dollars, you don't hoard it, but you don't spend it on your own whims either. You take the first ten dollars of it and give it to the God of your creation. Then you ask Him what to do with the other ninety dollars. That is how you manage the money He has given you access to.
To use something correctly implies that you will use it with integrity, By the way, always remember where your resources come from and who gives you the power to get wealth. “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. Even though God was speaking to Israel, His Word still holds true to this very day.
If you use something correctly, you will not slip into dishonesty. If you are not supposed to use the copier at work, you will not make personal copies on it. You won't even help yourself to a paperclip. Remember, proper management is timely use of another person's property. Also remember that even your own property doesn't wholly belong to you.
If you are to be rewarded from King Jesus, obey His laws and principles. There is no excuse for not being obedient.
Deuteronomy 8:18
~~W.R. Luchie