Our Direct Leadership Responsibility
I want to share with you this statement: "You were not created to be dominated." This is why, whenever a human being is being subjugated by another human being, whether it is by a governing system or forced labor, they have an inevitable desire and will to throw off this unnatural restraint.
Subjugated (definition)--to bring under control or subjection, to conquer 2) to cause to become subservient; subdue.
In God's original purpose and plan, He never intended for there to be some individuals who are always leaders and others who are always followers or "subordinates" among men, as we have known to be in today's world. We were all intended to exercise his authority and dominion as a corporate entity on this earth, displaying His power, wisdom, influence and glory. Keep in mind, we were designed to be subjected only to God's Spirit, who would rule in our hearts and then establish self-government within us.
If you take the time to read God's Constitution carefully, this principle is seen in God's assignment to the first man in the government of Eden. Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work and keep it. If you may or may not have noticed, His first instruction to the man was to "work" or in other words "cultivate". This assignment was not accompanied by any supervisor, manager or boss to oversee the man's responsibility for the task assigned him was directly to God and not to another man. When you have a man or woman working for you with character and integrity there is not any need for supervision from another. Honesty and integrity is their top priority, because they realize that they are working for the Lord and Creator. Their accountability for the task assigned them was directly to God and not to another man.
We as Kingdom Citizens are accountable, and will be held accountable, even for non-productive conversations. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. These are the Words of the King.
Genesis 2:15 Mathew 12:36
~~W.R. Luchie
I want to share with you this statement: "You were not created to be dominated." This is why, whenever a human being is being subjugated by another human being, whether it is by a governing system or forced labor, they have an inevitable desire and will to throw off this unnatural restraint.
Subjugated (definition)--to bring under control or subjection, to conquer 2) to cause to become subservient; subdue.
In God's original purpose and plan, He never intended for there to be some individuals who are always leaders and others who are always followers or "subordinates" among men, as we have known to be in today's world. We were all intended to exercise his authority and dominion as a corporate entity on this earth, displaying His power, wisdom, influence and glory. Keep in mind, we were designed to be subjected only to God's Spirit, who would rule in our hearts and then establish self-government within us.
If you take the time to read God's Constitution carefully, this principle is seen in God's assignment to the first man in the government of Eden. Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work and keep it. If you may or may not have noticed, His first instruction to the man was to "work" or in other words "cultivate". This assignment was not accompanied by any supervisor, manager or boss to oversee the man's responsibility for the task assigned him was directly to God and not to another man. When you have a man or woman working for you with character and integrity there is not any need for supervision from another. Honesty and integrity is their top priority, because they realize that they are working for the Lord and Creator. Their accountability for the task assigned them was directly to God and not to another man.
We as Kingdom Citizens are accountable, and will be held accountable, even for non-productive conversations. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. These are the Words of the King.
Genesis 2:15 Mathew 12:36
~~W.R. Luchie