The Kingdom of Ignorant Kings
So many of us really don't have a clue who we are and that is a serious problem. We have become a kingdom of ignorant kings; ignorant of our identity, ability, power and authority. Long ago we forgot--if we ever knew--all the enemy stole from us. We have been calling ourselves "Christians", which is a religious title that has no power or authority. We have been deposed, defeated and dejected like the prodigal son. We sit in the mud and stench of the pig sty, nibbling on dry corn husks, never lifting the eyes of our spirit to behold the riches of our Father's estate that is ours if we will only reach out and claim them.
Keep in mind, our greatest enemy today is neither Satan nor sin, because Jesus defeated both at the cross. Power isn't the problem either. We have power. That is why the Lord God did not send power to fix our problems. Our greatest enemy today is ignorance. What we do not know is killing us; or at least depriving us of a full abundant life. Remember what God stated in His Constitution to Hosea the representative: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. By the way, the word "priest" can be translated as "representative", because that is exactly what they were.
The antidote for ignorance is most definitely knowledge, not entertainment, which is what most church organizations and denominations call "praise and worship". So, God sent us His Word, His living Word in the person of His Son. Christ the King, came to remove our ignorance about God and His Kingdom and to teach us our heritage and kingship as children of the living God. As long as we live in Satan's religious darkness, we will never know that we are prisoners of our own territory, slaves of an illegal despot.
Hosea 4:6
~~W.R. Luchie
So many of us really don't have a clue who we are and that is a serious problem. We have become a kingdom of ignorant kings; ignorant of our identity, ability, power and authority. Long ago we forgot--if we ever knew--all the enemy stole from us. We have been calling ourselves "Christians", which is a religious title that has no power or authority. We have been deposed, defeated and dejected like the prodigal son. We sit in the mud and stench of the pig sty, nibbling on dry corn husks, never lifting the eyes of our spirit to behold the riches of our Father's estate that is ours if we will only reach out and claim them.
Keep in mind, our greatest enemy today is neither Satan nor sin, because Jesus defeated both at the cross. Power isn't the problem either. We have power. That is why the Lord God did not send power to fix our problems. Our greatest enemy today is ignorance. What we do not know is killing us; or at least depriving us of a full abundant life. Remember what God stated in His Constitution to Hosea the representative: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. By the way, the word "priest" can be translated as "representative", because that is exactly what they were.
The antidote for ignorance is most definitely knowledge, not entertainment, which is what most church organizations and denominations call "praise and worship". So, God sent us His Word, His living Word in the person of His Son. Christ the King, came to remove our ignorance about God and His Kingdom and to teach us our heritage and kingship as children of the living God. As long as we live in Satan's religious darkness, we will never know that we are prisoners of our own territory, slaves of an illegal despot.
Hosea 4:6
~~W.R. Luchie