You Were Meant to Cultivate
After I came into the knowledge of the truth, I realized that a man's purpose was to cultivate his wife and family. However, being religious didn't teach me this. Seeking the Kingdom and embracing the Kingdom concept did. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. What does He mean by "these things"? Read the seven verses preceding the thirty-third verse.
I must share this with you: Adam's gift of cultivation meant he could improve what he put his hands to do. Wherever Adam went and whatever he did, things go better and they improved. Now, what about you? Are you secure and self-assured enough in your identity and with the Lord that you can improve your environment wherever you are? Here is a question to meditate on. Do people enjoy being around you because you are creative and add a touch of life to every situation, or do they prefer to be somewhere else when you are around? That may be because you are negative or overly dependent. Before you start thinking of a long-term commitment such as marriage, you need to consider this: Are you a "weed" that will constantly choke off the relationship or are you rich "fertilizer" that will assist in cultivating and nurturing it?
These are questions that one should seriously consider before affecting another individual's life. It is only by reading and studying the Word of the living God, that our minds will be conditioned for marriage. Remember, always ask the King for knowledge, understanding and His wisdom to know how to apply the two.
Matthew 6:33 Matthew 6:25-32
~~W.R. Luchie
After I came into the knowledge of the truth, I realized that a man's purpose was to cultivate his wife and family. However, being religious didn't teach me this. Seeking the Kingdom and embracing the Kingdom concept did. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. What does He mean by "these things"? Read the seven verses preceding the thirty-third verse.
I must share this with you: Adam's gift of cultivation meant he could improve what he put his hands to do. Wherever Adam went and whatever he did, things go better and they improved. Now, what about you? Are you secure and self-assured enough in your identity and with the Lord that you can improve your environment wherever you are? Here is a question to meditate on. Do people enjoy being around you because you are creative and add a touch of life to every situation, or do they prefer to be somewhere else when you are around? That may be because you are negative or overly dependent. Before you start thinking of a long-term commitment such as marriage, you need to consider this: Are you a "weed" that will constantly choke off the relationship or are you rich "fertilizer" that will assist in cultivating and nurturing it?
These are questions that one should seriously consider before affecting another individual's life. It is only by reading and studying the Word of the living God, that our minds will be conditioned for marriage. Remember, always ask the King for knowledge, understanding and His wisdom to know how to apply the two.
Matthew 6:33 Matthew 6:25-32
~~W.R. Luchie