We Must Understand the Kingdom Concept of Citizenship
"The most awesome power and position of national privilege is citizenship" (Understanding Your Place in God's Kingdom, Dr. Myles Munroe). I can truly agree with this statement. This is because I understand the concept of being a citizen in the kingdom of heaven. Citizenship is the most valuable asset of a nation and is not easily given because of its power and impact. All governments defend the right of citizenship with the same fervor because of the implications. Keep in mind, citizenship is not membership. Religions function on membership, while nations and kingdoms function on citizenship.
Here in the United States, immigration has become a hot topic, especially at the southern borders where Mexico located.. There is rising concern among those that reside in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and several other border states. It seems that masses of people from south of the border are clamoring to get into these United States. The question is why? What draws them to risk life, capture, imprisonment or even deportation just to cross the border? Well, from what I have noticed, it is because of better jobs, work, pay, better health care, greater opportunities and better situations for their families. To put it this way: an all around better quality of life than they have been used to in their home county.
I'm not trying to make a case on how wonderful this country is, or how much greater it is to be an American citizen; because we as Americans do have our share of problems. My point here is that citizenship is a powerful drawing card. People are attracted to a nation that appears to promise a better life than the one they are now living. There are some people that even become desperate enough to do anything they have to do to become a part of that nation.
This concept of citizenship is critical to understanding the nature of the kingdom of heaven. Keep in mind, that all governments and kingdoms operate on governing laws and principles. This is one of the first things that I learned in my first year of Political Science at Brooklyn College.
Citizenship is very necessary for the validity and legitimacy of any nation. Not only that, but citizenship is the most sacred privilege of a nation.
As a sacred privilege, citizenship is the most precious gift that any nation can give. This is why there are laws to protect people from it and protect it from people. Keep this in mind, apart from native-born citizens, citizenship is neither awarded lightly nor obtained easily. And it shouldn't be. Citizenship is too precious a treasure to hand out indiscriminately like handbills.
Keep in mind, when it comes to the matter of citizenship, the Kingdom of God is not different from any other country. Remember this: The Kingdom of God is not a religion. It is a government with a country. Heaven is that country, and Jesus Christ is its King. In referring to Christ, the ancient Hebrew prophet Isaiah wrote:
Constitutional Scripture: Isaiah 9:6-7 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Like the example I gave you of the United States of America, in which I reside, once people know about the kingdom, and once they understand what it is and what it has to offer, they will clamor to get in. This is what Jesus the Christ meant when He said:
Constitutional Scripture: Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it.
The Question is, why then, someone might ask, do we not see people clamoring to get into the churches? Why does the church as a whole seem to have so little impact on our culture? The reason is very simple, but sad. Most pastors don't understand the kingdom so they don't preach it or teach it. This is the reason why most people in the churches don't understand kingdom as well. so by not being taught by their pastors, teachers and leaders, they don't model kingdom living. Every since I have embraced Jesus' message and started teaching and preaching and spreading the kingdom message, young men have come to me saying "What do I do now? The church that I attend doesn't teach or preach the kingdom message."
What I am finding is this: Pastors and leaders who don't teach and preach the kingdom message in their churches, resort to having programs.
Next I will write on becoming a Kingdom Citizen.
~~W.R. Luchie
This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you
Here in the United States, immigration has become a hot topic, especially at the southern borders where Mexico located.. There is rising concern among those that reside in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and several other border states. It seems that masses of people from south of the border are clamoring to get into these United States. The question is why? What draws them to risk life, capture, imprisonment or even deportation just to cross the border? Well, from what I have noticed, it is because of better jobs, work, pay, better health care, greater opportunities and better situations for their families. To put it this way: an all around better quality of life than they have been used to in their home county.
I'm not trying to make a case on how wonderful this country is, or how much greater it is to be an American citizen; because we as Americans do have our share of problems. My point here is that citizenship is a powerful drawing card. People are attracted to a nation that appears to promise a better life than the one they are now living. There are some people that even become desperate enough to do anything they have to do to become a part of that nation.
This concept of citizenship is critical to understanding the nature of the kingdom of heaven. Keep in mind, that all governments and kingdoms operate on governing laws and principles. This is one of the first things that I learned in my first year of Political Science at Brooklyn College.
Citizenship is very necessary for the validity and legitimacy of any nation. Not only that, but citizenship is the most sacred privilege of a nation.
As a sacred privilege, citizenship is the most precious gift that any nation can give. This is why there are laws to protect people from it and protect it from people. Keep this in mind, apart from native-born citizens, citizenship is neither awarded lightly nor obtained easily. And it shouldn't be. Citizenship is too precious a treasure to hand out indiscriminately like handbills.
Keep in mind, when it comes to the matter of citizenship, the Kingdom of God is not different from any other country. Remember this: The Kingdom of God is not a religion. It is a government with a country. Heaven is that country, and Jesus Christ is its King. In referring to Christ, the ancient Hebrew prophet Isaiah wrote:
Constitutional Scripture: Isaiah 9:6-7 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Like the example I gave you of the United States of America, in which I reside, once people know about the kingdom, and once they understand what it is and what it has to offer, they will clamor to get in. This is what Jesus the Christ meant when He said:
Constitutional Scripture: Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it.
The Question is, why then, someone might ask, do we not see people clamoring to get into the churches? Why does the church as a whole seem to have so little impact on our culture? The reason is very simple, but sad. Most pastors don't understand the kingdom so they don't preach it or teach it. This is the reason why most people in the churches don't understand kingdom as well. so by not being taught by their pastors, teachers and leaders, they don't model kingdom living. Every since I have embraced Jesus' message and started teaching and preaching and spreading the kingdom message, young men have come to me saying "What do I do now? The church that I attend doesn't teach or preach the kingdom message."
What I am finding is this: Pastors and leaders who don't teach and preach the kingdom message in their churches, resort to having programs.
Next I will write on becoming a Kingdom Citizen.
~~W.R. Luchie
This article may only be reproduced, in print or on the internet, if the author's name and website address are included at the end of the article as originally placed. Thank you