A New Father and Our New Identity
Before we gave our allegiance to Jesus the Christ, we were servants of the devil, and did his bidding. But after we came into the knowledge of the truth, and accepted the principles of the Kingdom, the devil was no longer our father.
Now being that the male is noted in the Scriptures of the Constitution as being the source and progenitor of generations, it was to Abraham, not Sarah that God said, And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. (Genesis 17:7)
When God spoke to Abraham and gave him that promise, it was a done deal. God established a covenant relationship between Himself and Abraham; and Abraham and his descendants consequently had an identity that was fully connected to God. Keep in mind, that God did not indicate in any way that Sarah was a progenitor, but He promised her, I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her and she shall be a mother of nations, kings of people shall be from her. (Genesis 17:16)
Keep in mind, God and His Word are one. That is what a citizen of the Kingdom's word is. There shouldn't be any deviating from what you say and your actions. We are ambassadors and we represent the King of kings. Remember only the man's seed can generate the conception of generations. Only the male has generating, creative power. He is the source, and the wife is the incubator.
Here are the key principles of knowing God the Father:
a. As the Source, God the Father had everything in Him before anything was. Everything that exists was in God.
b. God is the progenitor. he upholds and supports all that He created.
c. Sin is the result of the first man (Adam) turning His back on his Father.
d. Salvation is the result of Man, Jesus--the Second Adam--providing us with the way to return to the Father.
e. Jesus knew the Father and became the Source and Progenitor of a new race of fathers who know the Father through the Son.
f. Fathers are progenitors. They birth generations after them that are like themselves and their forefathers. When a man is fathered by God, he produces godly fathers, not religious fathers.
g. Fathers are the source of instruction, information and knowledge about God the Source.
h. We learn how God disciplines, teaches, instructs and acts through an earthly father who embodies the Father.
Now being that the male is noted in the Scriptures of the Constitution as being the source and progenitor of generations, it was to Abraham, not Sarah that God said, And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. (Genesis 17:7)
When God spoke to Abraham and gave him that promise, it was a done deal. God established a covenant relationship between Himself and Abraham; and Abraham and his descendants consequently had an identity that was fully connected to God. Keep in mind, that God did not indicate in any way that Sarah was a progenitor, but He promised her, I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her and she shall be a mother of nations, kings of people shall be from her. (Genesis 17:16)
Keep in mind, God and His Word are one. That is what a citizen of the Kingdom's word is. There shouldn't be any deviating from what you say and your actions. We are ambassadors and we represent the King of kings. Remember only the man's seed can generate the conception of generations. Only the male has generating, creative power. He is the source, and the wife is the incubator.
Here are the key principles of knowing God the Father:
a. As the Source, God the Father had everything in Him before anything was. Everything that exists was in God.
b. God is the progenitor. he upholds and supports all that He created.
c. Sin is the result of the first man (Adam) turning His back on his Father.
d. Salvation is the result of Man, Jesus--the Second Adam--providing us with the way to return to the Father.
e. Jesus knew the Father and became the Source and Progenitor of a new race of fathers who know the Father through the Son.
f. Fathers are progenitors. They birth generations after them that are like themselves and their forefathers. When a man is fathered by God, he produces godly fathers, not religious fathers.
g. Fathers are the source of instruction, information and knowledge about God the Source.
h. We learn how God disciplines, teaches, instructs and acts through an earthly father who embodies the Father.