People of God who live by Kingdom principles.
People who are led by our Governor, the Holy Spirit.
People who uphold God's Kingdom standards.
People who will not lower their standards to fit in.
But inspire those around them
To go higher.
Mission Statement: To teach the Good News of the government of the Kingdom of God with simplicity and clarity.
2022--Our 10th year teaching about the Kingdom.
Our Purpose:
To freely provide, through this website, articles in the simplicity of the Kingdom Gospel for Kingdom Ambassadors around the world to use in spreading this Gospel.
Our desire is to raise up people with strong character and moral absolutes by:
Creating an appetite to study and live by the Word of God
Helping you realize who you are in the Kingdom of God
Inspiring you to be the person God created you to be in the Kingdom and
understand how the Holy Spirit will operate in your life.
Creating a working knowledge of what a kingdom is and
how it is supposed to operate
Showing, through God's Word, that the Lord has eternal unchangeable standards
that are completely opposite of this world's system
We are just one man and one woman fulfilling the mandate to
spread this Gospel Jesus preached.
What will you do?
Remember, with knowledge comes responsibility....
Our desire is to raise up people with strong character and moral absolutes by:
Creating an appetite to study and live by the Word of God
Helping you realize who you are in the Kingdom of God
Inspiring you to be the person God created you to be in the Kingdom and
understand how the Holy Spirit will operate in your life.
Creating a working knowledge of what a kingdom is and
how it is supposed to operate
Showing, through God's Word, that the Lord has eternal unchangeable standards
that are completely opposite of this world's system
We are just one man and one woman fulfilling the mandate to
spread this Gospel Jesus preached.
What will you do?
Remember, with knowledge comes responsibility....
Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
The Kingdom of God is neither deep nor mystical. Jesus made it simple.
We must approach it with the simplistic faith of a child.
At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying,
“Who then is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”
Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said,
“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children,
you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 18:1-4
We must approach it with the simplistic faith of a child.
At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying,
“Who then is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”
Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said,
“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children,
you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 18:1-4
How Do I Tell People About God's Kingdom?
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Many thanks and blessings to Corey Jones, who creates and edits our videos. He also manages our You Tube channel. We couldn't do this without his excellence.
Thank you! Together we will spread the Kingdom Gospel around the world.
Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world
as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world
as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Attention pastors and ministers:
We have been so encouraged by the many ministers who use
This website as part of their sermons and messages!
We would love to hear from fellow Kingdom citizens. . .
We have been so encouraged by the many ministers who use
This website as part of their sermons and messages!
We would love to hear from fellow Kingdom citizens. . .
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Vol. 2 Book review: Again, the Kingdom of God revealed! This book, and its predecessor is an amazing work of love for God and Kingdom. Another great tool for all Kingdom Ambassadors to add to their tool kit. I am so glad that I was lead to the work by this couple. Thank you both. John
Vol. 1 Book review: Wow....I gave 5*** because, the materials are very practical! Lots of great principles to consider, and it is a Must-read book! I would recommend that you must read this book more than once, like I have done so far for all of the materials to make sense and retained. I love the book, very simple and great constitutional balanced scriptural. I love when the writer used words like "constitutional scripture". HIZA
5.0 out of 5 stars Great foundational book for any believer! I love it. Thank the authors!
This is one of the most awesome books I have ever read. To know that they studied Dr. Myles Munroe and others of the same mind and then to listen to God to put this foundational book together, it should be the first set of lessons in any Christians life of teaching. Not church doctrine or what the pastor wants, not even how to study the Bible or new members class, Kingdom 101! God bless. Theodore Carter
So much wisdom, knowledge and understanding of The Kingdom of God. It has truly opened up my eyes to a whole new understanding of who God is and His intent, in regards to the creation of the world and mankind…Travers
Vol. 1 Book review: Wow....I gave 5*** because, the materials are very practical! Lots of great principles to consider, and it is a Must-read book! I would recommend that you must read this book more than once, like I have done so far for all of the materials to make sense and retained. I love the book, very simple and great constitutional balanced scriptural. I love when the writer used words like "constitutional scripture". HIZA
5.0 out of 5 stars Great foundational book for any believer! I love it. Thank the authors!
This is one of the most awesome books I have ever read. To know that they studied Dr. Myles Munroe and others of the same mind and then to listen to God to put this foundational book together, it should be the first set of lessons in any Christians life of teaching. Not church doctrine or what the pastor wants, not even how to study the Bible or new members class, Kingdom 101! God bless. Theodore Carter
So much wisdom, knowledge and understanding of The Kingdom of God. It has truly opened up my eyes to a whole new understanding of who God is and His intent, in regards to the creation of the world and mankind…Travers
Recent Articles
Kingdom Living: Babies in His Kingdom
Kingdom Living: How Did I Get Where I Am in His Kingdom?
Kingdom Living: Who Am I On This Earth?
Kingdom Living: Being Obedient to His Word
Kingdom Living: Seeking the Kingdom and His Righteousness
Kingdom Living: King Jesus--Misunderstood and Misrepresented
Kingdom Citizenship: The Kingdom Versus the Government of Man
Kingdom Living: God's Constitution and Its Righteousness
Kingdom Lights: Drifting: The False Gospel of Self
Kingdom Knowledge: It Was a Lost Concept
Kingdom Living: The Power of Right Standing in the Kingdom
Kingdom Living: Knowing Your Purpose and Divine Assignment
Staying Focused on His Word in Time of Conflict
Kingdom Living: Kingdom Citizens Praising Our Lord and King
Kingdom Living: Transforming From Religious to a Kingdom Mind
Kingdom Living: Kingdom Values and Priorities
Kingdom Living: Transitioning From One Culture to Another
Kingdom Lights: Decluttering Your Soul of Religion
Kingdom Living: Never Do Battle, Humble Yourself to His Word
Kingdom Living: The Rise, Fall and Rise Again of the Kingdom
He Needs no Assistance in Keeping His Promise
Kingdom Living: The Roman Empire and the Kingdom of God
Kingdom Living: Understanding God's Original Intent
Kingdom Living: The King Will Not Share His Glory
Kingdom Attributes: Transparency
Kingdom 102: Staying Focused on His Word in Time of Conflict
Kingdom Knowledge: The Return of the King in His Kingdom
Kingdom Knowledge: The Clash of Cultures
Kingdom Knowledge: The Holy Spirit Knows the Purpose and Will of God
Neither Servants nor Soldiers But Sons and Daughters
Kingdom Living: The Currency of the Kingdom is Faith
Kingdom 103: Power and Authority in His Name
Kingdom 104: Failing to Know Your Kingdom Assignment Brings Boredom
The Unshakable Kingdom
Speaking the King's Word in Every Situation
First Step of Entering the Kingdom
The Ambassador's Power and Authority
Want Power? Remove the Mixture!
Kingdom 101: God's Idea of Colonization
Kingdom Lights: The Master Key
God's Constitution is Not a Buffet
Attributes: Holy Spirit Led
Kingdom Living: The Culture of Our Governor
Kingdom 101: We Are Government Citizens, Not Religious Members
Kingdom Principles: Attributes of God's Kingdom
Understanding the Kingdom Concept Part 1
The Kingdom Concept of King and Kingdom
What is a Kingdom?
Kingdom Perspective: The Eternal Message Part 1
Clarity in the Kingdom of God
Kingdom Living: Peace in the Midst of Crisis
Kingdom Lights: Don't Bleed on the Sheep
Kingdom 104: His Name is All Authority and Power
Kingdom 103: The Indwelling of His Spirit (the Governor)
Words of Wisdom and Kingdom Knowledge
We thank the Lord for E. Stanley Jones and Myles Munroe for introducing us to the concept of the Kingdom of God and its government. That foundation opened God's Word to us in a profound way!